Contain options to control how the grabbing process will occur.
Public Attributes |
FBTimeSpan | TimeSpan |
Read Write Property: Start and stop
selection time to grab. |
FBTime | TimeSteps |
Read Write Property: Time step length
between each grab. |
FBCameraResolutionMode | CameraResolution |
Read Write Property: Camera
Resolution. |
FBVideoRenderDepth | BitsPerPixel |
Read Write Property: Video grab color
depth. |
FBVideoRenderFieldMode | FieldMode |
Read Write Property: Video grab field
mode. |
FBVideoRenderViewingMode | ViewingMode |
Read Write Property: Video grab
viewing mode. |
str | OutputFileName |
Read Write Property: Grabbing
destination file. |
bool | ShowSafeArea |
Read Write Property: If true, display
safe area. |
bool | ShowTimeCode |
Read Write Property: If true, display
time code information. |
bool | ShowCameraLabel |
Read Write Property: If true, display
camera label information. |
bool | AntiAliasing |
Read Write Property: If true, video
frames will be anti-aliased. |
bool | RenderAudio |
Read Write Property: If true and
there's audio in the scene, add audio to the output file. |
FBAudioFmt | AudioRenderFormat |
PRead Write roperty: Audio render
format. |
int | StillImageCompression |
Property: Compression ratio for
image(jpg) 0-100 where 0=Greatest compression, 100=Least
Compression. |
Read Write Property: Start and stop selection time to grab.
Read Write Property: Camera Resolution.
Read Write Property: Video grab color depth.
Read Write Property: Video grab field mode.
Read Write Property: Video grab viewing mode.
Read Write Property: Grabbing destination file.
Read Write Property: If true, display safe area.
Read Write Property: If true, display time code information.
Read Write Property: If true, display camera label information.
Read Write Property: If true, video frames will be anti-aliased.
Read Write Property: If true and there's audio in the scene, add audio to the output file.
FBAudioFmt AudioRenderFormat |
PRead Write roperty: Audio render format.
Property: Compression ratio for image(jpg) 0-100 where 0=Greatest compression, 100=Least Compression.