Public Attributes |
kFBFlagSelectable | |
Can be selected. |
kFBFlagDeletable | |
Can be deleted. |
kFBFlagSavable | |
Can be saved. |
kFBFlagVisible | |
Can be visible. |
kFBFlagClonable | |
Can be cloned. |
kFBFlagSystem | |
Created from System (not from user).
kFBFlagNewable | |
Deleted on File->New. |
kFBFlagRenamable | |
Can be renamed. |
kFBFlagMergeable | |
Can be merged. |
kFBFlagBrowsable | |
Visible in the Scene Navigator/Schematic
View/Property View/Model View. |
kFBFlagDetachable | |
Object can be "detached". Used by the apply
manager contextual menu. |
kFBFlagUndoable | |
Object can undo its actions and states.
kFBFlagKeyable | |
Object can Key his property. (System Camera
can't). |
kFBFlagAllocated | |
Object is allocated, so it must call 'delete
this' on destroy. |
kFBFlagStory | |
Object created/used by the Story tool.
Useful flag for filtering Story objects. |
kFBFlagStorable6 | |
System/Obsolete. |
kFBFlagStorableData6 | |
System/Obsolete. |
kFBFlagUniqueName | |
Object unique name can be added to the
unique name list (at first, only
RootNode have this flag). |
Can be selected.
Can be deleted.
Can be saved.
Can be visible.
Can be cloned.
Created from System (not from user).
Deleted on File->New.
Can be renamed.
Can be merged.
Visible in the Scene Navigator/Schematic View/Property View/Model View.
Object can be "detached". Used by the apply manager contextual menu.
Object can undo its actions and states.
Object can Key his property. (System Camera can't).
Object is allocated, so it must call 'delete this' on destroy.
Object created/used by the Story tool. Useful flag for filtering Story objects.
Object unique name can be added to the unique name list (at first, only RootNode have this flag).