FBMenuManager Class Reference

FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager FBMenuManager
Inheritance diagram for FBMenuManager:
Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Detailed Description

The menu manager allows access to MotionBuilder menu bar.

It can be used to retrieve the item corresponding to a menu path in the menu bar. A menu path is similar to a file path but it specifies the location of menu item in a hierarchy of menu. ex: to retrieve the item corresponding to MoBu Save item: item = menuMgr.GetMenu("&File/Save")It is to be noted that menu item already inserted in MoBu menu bar and that have a shortcut assign to them have a "&" in their name (which make their retrieval not trivial). For reference here is the real name of each of the root menus: "&File", "&Edit","&Animation","&Window","&Settings", "&Layout","&Help"The menu manager can be used to insert new menu item in the menubar. You have to specify the menu path at which to insert the menu (to insert a new root menu, use NULL or None as the menu path)

    #Insert a new Root Menu before the Help menu
    menuMgr.InsertBefore(None, "&Help", "before menu")

    #Insert a new Root Menu after the Help menu
    menuMgr.InsertAfter(None, "&Help", "After menu")

    # Insert a new keyboard:
    menuMgr.InsertLast("&Settings/&Keyboard Configuration", "New keyboard")

As a convenience operation, you can from the menu manager enable and disable menu item (instead of retrieving their corresponding item).

See sample: FBMenu.py.

Public Member Functions

  FBMenuManager ()
FBGenericMenu  GetMenu (str pPath)
  Get the Menu (NOT menu item) corresponding to a menu path.
FBGenericMenuItem  InsertAfter (str pMenuPath, str pBeforeMenuName, str pMenuName)
  Insert a new menu at a specific path AFTER another item.
FBGenericMenuItem  InsertBefore (str pMenuPath, str pAfterMenuName, str pMenuName)
  Insert a new menu at a specific path BEFORE another item.
FBGenericMenuItem  InsertFirst (str pMenuPath, str pMenuName)
  Insert a new menu at the first position of a specific path.
FBGenericMenuItem  InsertLast (str pMenuPath, str pMenuName)
  Insert a new menu at the last position of a specific path.
bool  IsItemEnable (str pMenuPath, int pItemId)
  Check if a particular item is enabled or disabled.
  SetItemEnable (str pMenuPath, int pItemId, bool pEnable)
  Enable or disable a specific menu item.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

FBMenuManager (  ) 


There is only one MenuManager in MotionBuilder, creating multiple FBMenuManager always return the same handle to the same global menu manager.

Member Function Documentation

FBGenericMenu GetMenu ( str  pPath  ) 

Get the Menu (NOT menu item) corresponding to a menu path.

Don't forget that most menu path already in MotionBuilder have a "&"as the first letter of their name (&Help, &Settings). You have to use / as a separator in the specified men u path (ex: "&Settings/&Keyboard Configuration").

pPath  Path of the menu to retrieve
the FBGenericMenu at this path./

FBGenericMenuItem InsertAfter ( str  pMenuPath,
str  pBeforeMenuName,
str  pMenuName  

Insert a new menu at a specific path AFTER another item.

pMenuPath  Path where to insert the menu. If this is NULL (None) it will insert a new root menu.
pBeforeMenuName  Name of the menu item AFTER which we will insert the new item.
Returns the menu item corresponding to the newly inserted menu.

FBGenericMenuItem InsertBefore ( str  pMenuPath,
str  pAfterMenuName,
str  pMenuName  

Insert a new menu at a specific path BEFORE another item.

pMenuPath  Path where to insert the menu. If this is NULL (None) it will insert a new root menu.
pAfterMenuName  Name of the menu item BEFORE which we will insert the new item.
Returns the menu item corresponding to the newly inserted menu.

FBGenericMenuItem InsertFirst ( str  pMenuPath,
str  pMenuName  

Insert a new menu at the first position of a specific path.

pMenuPath  Path where to insert the menu. If this is NULL (None) it will insert a new root menu.
pMenuName  Name (Caption) of the newly inserted menu.
Returns the menu item corresponding to the newly inserted menu.

FBGenericMenuItem InsertLast ( str  pMenuPath,
str  pMenuName  

Insert a new menu at the last position of a specific path.

pMenuPath  Path where to insert the menu. If this is NULL (None) it will insert a new root menu.
pMenuName  Name (Caption) of the newly inserted menu.
Returns the menu item corresponding to the newly inserted menu.

bool IsItemEnable ( str  pMenuPath,
int  pItemId  

Check if a particular item is enabled or disabled.

The menu path specifies the menu where we find the item to be enabled/disabled. The Id specifies which item in the menu.

pMenuPath  Path where to find the menu to check
pItemId  Id of the item to check.
Is the item enable or not.

SetItemEnable ( str  pMenuPath,
int  pItemId,
bool  pEnable  

Enable or disable a specific menu item.

The menu path specifies the menu where we find the item to be enabled/disabled. The Id specifies which item in the menu.

pMenuPath  Path where to find the menu to enable/disable
pItemId  Id of the item in the menu to disable.
pEnable  Enable (true) or disable (false) a menu item.

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