Setting up the simulation


You can either continue the tutorial using your scene file from the previous lesson or use the scene file designed for the lesson (slagPourFoundry_2.mb). If you do not want to do the steps that focus on creating the fluid effect, go to Lesson 3 Creating flying sparks. In the scene for this lesson (slagPourFoundry_3.mb), the fluid effect is complete.

Before starting the lesson, cache the nParticle_slag object.

To cache the nParticle_slag object

  1. Open SlagPourFoundry_2.mb.
  2. Rewind the simulation, and in the Outliner, select the geo_slag.
  3. Select nCache > Create New Cache > .

    The Create nCache Options window appears.

  4. In the Create nCache Options window, do the following:
    • Set the Cache directory to the folder where you want your caches saved.
    • Either type a Cache name or leave it set to the default name (nParticle_slagShape).
      NoteIf you want use a Cache name other than the default name, set the File distribution attribute first. (see next step). Otherwise, you will need to re-type your custom Cache name.
    • For File distribution, select One file.
    • Click Create.