Preparing for the lessons


To ensure the lesson works as described, do these steps before beginning:

  1. If you have not already done so, download the lesson files from Copy the Getting Started 2013 Lesson Files zip file to your local drive and unzip the folder.
  2. Select File > Set Project and set the GettingStartedMaya2013LessonData\PolygonModeling directory as your Maya project. For more information, see Downloading the lesson files and setting the Maya project.
  3. Select File > New Scene.
  4. Make sure Construction History (below the menu bar) is on: . (If it is turned off, the icon has a large X across it).
  5. Select the Polygons menu set.

    Unless otherwise noted, the directions in this chapter for making menu selections assume you’ve already selected the Polygons menu set.

  6. Make sure Display > UI Elements > Help Line is turned on.

    You will use the Help Line while modeling.

  7. As you work through these lessons, remember to save your work frequently and increment the name of the file every so often (filename1, filename2, and so on).

    In this way you’ll have earlier versions of your work to return to if you need them.

  8. Make sure that Soft Selection is turned off by opening the Tool Settings Editor with the Select Tool active and disabling Soft Select.