Splitting a surface in polygon proxy mode


Next, you use polygonal modeling techniques to split a face into multiple faces to be extruded as fingers.

To split the polygon face into multiple faces

  1. Select the Polygons menu set.
  2. With LeftHand still selected, select Edit Mesh > Interactive Split Tool > . In the tool settings window click the Reset Tool button.

    You’ll use this tool to split the front face of the proxy into several faces to be extruded into fingers.

  3. In the front view, click the point on the top edge as shown in the following figure, then click the corresponding point directly below it on the bottom edge. Press Enter (Windows and Linux) or Return (Mac OS X).

    This splits the face into two faces. You’ll extrude the left face into a finger later.

  4. Repeat the preceding two steps as necessary to split the face as follows:

    Notice how splitting the face into multiple faces alters the shape of the subdivision surface. The front part of the subdivision surface now resembles the proxy shape more. If you were to split the front face several more times, especially near the outer edges, the subdivision surface would sharpen and resemble the proxy shape even more. More faces means finer control, often at the expense of making the surface harder to work with.

    With the added faces, the subdivision surface looks a bit like the palm of a hand. You’ll build upon this shape to create a left hand with palm facing downward and fingers extruded outward. You’ll extrude the wide faces into fingers, and you’ll leave the narrow faces as webbing between the fingers.