Creating a new fur description


To make the bear appear more interesting you’ll assign a new fur description to the inside of the ears and then modify fur attributes such as density, scraggle, and inclination.

Before you can assign a fur description to the inner ear surfaces you’ll need to select them by first turning off the referenced display layer.

To turn off the referenced display layer

  1. Display the Channel Box/Display Layer Editor.
  2. In the Display Layer Editor, click the box that displays the letter R until the box is empty.

    To change the display state of a display layer, click repeatedly in the middle box next to the layer name to cycle the display state from Reference (R), Template (T), or Normal (empty). When the box is empty the display layer is no longer referenced and its possible to select all of the surfaces on the model.

To create a new fur description

  1. In the scene view, select the following surfaces of the model:
    • leftInnerEar
    • rightInnerEar
  2. Select Fur > Attach Fur Description > New.

    A new default fur description is assigned to the selected surfaces.

To rename the fur description

  1. Select Fur > Edit Fur Description > Fur Description1.

    The Attribute Editor appears and displays the attributes for the new fur description.

  2. In the Attribute Editor rename the fur description to InnerEar.

To modify the color of the fur description

  1. In the Attribute Editor, modify the Base and Tip Color attributes for the InnerEar fur description by clicking the color swatches for each attribute, setting the RGB range to 0 to 255, and entering the following RGB values:
    • Base Color R: 106
    • Base Color G: 52
    • Base Color B: 14
    • Tip Color R: 164
    • Tip Color G: 119
    • Tip Color B: 91
  2. Modify these additional InnerEar attributes by entering the following values:
    • Density: 50,000
    • Length: 0.25
    • Inclination: 0.8
    • Base Width: 0.2
    • Tip Width: 0
    • Scraggle: 0.1

    Density specifies the number of hairs on a surface. The higher the value, the thicker the fur. Notice that changing the Density value does not affect the fur feedback in the scene view; changes to fur density only appear in the rendered image.

    Length sets the fur’s length, in grid units.

    Inclination sets how the fur slopes or leans. A value of 0 is fully erect (normal to the surface), while a value of 1 is flat (tangent to the surface at the root).

    Base and Tip Width specifies width of the hairs at their base and tip.

    Scraggle sets the crookedness of the fur. A value of 0 creates no crookedness, while a value of 1 creates maximum crookedness.

    The fur description for the Inner Ear surfaces is updated.


    Some attributes of a fur description are only visible when you render an image of the fur. You’ll render an image of the teddy bear fur in the next lesson.