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Lesson 3: Object-based tracking

Lesson 3: Object-based tracking

Lesson setup
this lesson, you will learn how to track an object, such as an image
plane in MatchMover using a 3D model of it. This is a useful technique
in situations such as the following:
- Augmenting a real set for which some
3D information is available as manual measurements or CAD data.
- Matchmoving characters from a Cyberware
- Tracking complex shots of a set using
data from an active scanning device (LIDAR).
Using this technique
ensures that, in any case (even with low or zero parallax), the
camera path will be exactly consistent with the 3D geometry of the
tracked element.
The image sequence you
will use in this lesson was shot using a hand-held DV camcorder.
In this lesson you will
learn how to:
- Import a 3D mesh.
- Create tracks and survey points attached
to vertices of the mesh, using the “elastics” feature.