Sometimes you only need to unfold a UV mesh in one direction. This is especially useful when there is only a single seam.
To unfold the arms
- Select the soldier’s left arm.
- Select .
-click the arm and select .
-click the arm and select from the marking menu.
- Select the edges on the bottom of the arm at the center of the distortion just under the elbow.
- In the , select .
-click the arm and select UV from the marking menu.
- Drag-select all the UVs on the arm and click the Rotate clockwise button (
The UVs rotate so the arm in the is vertical.
-select one UV at the top of the arm’s bicep and another UV at the tip of the soldier’s cuff.
- Select >
The window appears.
- Set to .
- Click .
The UV mesh for the arm is unfolded evenly up and down. This is better than the UV mesh we would get if we unfolded in all
Now you can output these UVs to a file.
To export the UV snapshot
-click the arm in the and select from the marking menu.
- Drag-select all the UVs on the UV mesh.
- Select the .
- In the , scale the UV mesh so that it fits inside the upper-right square of the .
This step is necessary because a UV snapshot only captures what is in the 1 x 1 UV texture space (the upper right corner).
-click the arm in the perspective view and select .
- Select the arm.
- In the , select .
The options window appears.
- Click the button.
A file browser appears.
- Navigate to GettingStartedMaya2012LessonData\UVMapping and enter the name left_arm_UVs.
- Click .
- Set to .
- Click .
Like the torso you did in the previous step, Maya outputs an .iff file containing the UV mesh. You can import this file into
an image editor and use it as a template to create a texture.
Now repeat the entire procedure for the right arm. Note that you do not need to output the UVs for the right arm because it
will use the same texture as the left arm.
Although you could handle the legs the same way you handled the arms (cutting them into two pieces), you can also treat the
entire lower body as a single mesh. You can follow the same procedure as above, except for the following:
- Select the edges down the rear until directly underneath the groin then select the edges on the inside of each leg. Cut these
UV edges.
- You do not need to pin any UVs for the pants (but you must select the pants as an object to unfold the UVs).
- Like the arms, unfold the UV mesh horizontaly.
As with the torso and arms, you can now output these UV meshes to an external file to paint a texture on them. For information
about how to do this, see Outputting UVs.