Package autodesk_toxik :: Package utils :: Module utils :: Class CmdFix
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Class CmdFix

cmd.Cmd --+

Improvement upon the cmd module of Python-2.1.1. This is still needed for Python-2.43 for the shell-like splitting.

Instance Methods
parseLine(self, line)
Override parseLine() to split the arguments for our commands.
onecmd(self, line)
Workaround for Python-2.1.1 (and over) missing arguments parsing.
do_help(self, arg)
Displays information about the command you can access through this shell.

Inherited from cmd.Cmd: __init__, cmdloop, columnize, complete, complete_help, completedefault, completenames, default, emptyline, get_names, parseline, postcmd, postloop, precmd, preloop, print_topics

Class Variables

Inherited from cmd.Cmd: doc_header, doc_leader, identchars, intro, lastcmd, misc_header, nohelp, prompt, ruler, undoc_header, use_rawinput

Method Details

parseLine(self, line)


Override parseLine() to split the arguments for our commands.

  • line (str)
Returns: tuple
A tuple with the command, arguments and line.

onecmd(self, line)


Workaround for Python-2.1.1 (and over) missing arguments parsing.

  • line (str)
Overrides: cmd.Cmd.onecmd

do_help(self, arg)


Displays information about the command you can access through this shell.

  • arg (str)
Overrides: cmd.Cmd.do_help