Overview > 



MatchMover lets you to identify areas within your sequence that you want to exclude or highlight. For example, you can crop unwanted areas of a sequence or import a matte sequence to flag objects as following an independent motion.

You can use MatchMover cropping options to remove unnecessary black borders from image sequences. Cropping the image focuses the tracking process on the area you define, ignoring the unnecessary borders. Cropping is a global operation, meaning that it is applied to all frames in the sequence. Cropping cannot be animated as a matte.

Using a matte, you identify an area in the sequence that has a different motion, such as a a character occluding part of the background you want to track, and have MatchMover ignore the area. You can also have MatchMover compute independent motions for areas lying inside and outside the matte. For example, you can compute the motion of the moving camera with respect to the fixed background, and at the same time, compute the motion of a mobile object appearing in the sequence. In the latter case, both the background and the car will be tracked within the same solve.

You import mattes made in other application into MatchMover or you can create your own mattes by drawing their outline. Mattes created either method can be combined in the same project.


You can combine the results of two cropping operations on an image then exclude specified areas with a matte.