2-point Stabilizing


2-point stabilizing is useful when the motion you want to remove involves changes in scale/rotation (zoom/roll). For example, your camera may be zooming out from someone in a rocking chair.

As in tracking, when you choose to stabilize combinations of position, scale, and rotation simultaneously, the roles of each of the points are additive:

To perform 2-point stabilization:

  1. Track the video clip using a Tracker node with 2 trackers.
  2. Connect the clip into a Transform2D node.
  3. Set Transform Type to 2 Point.
  4. Click on Set Source Trackers and choose the 2 trackers.
  5. Click on Set Destination Trackers and choose the same 2 trackers, but select the frame number to which you want the clip stabilized. This will set the destination points to a non-animated value, positioning the stabilized clip to match the desired frame. Alternatively, you can just edit the values of the Destination 1 and 2 boxes to create the desired stabilized position.
  6. Click Link.
  7. Play the clip. The unwanted motion is eliminated.
NoteYou can also perform 4-point stabilization by adding 2 extra tracker analyzers.

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