Working with Cue Marks


Adding a Cue Mark

To add a cue mark:

  1. Select the Set Cue Mark button in the Player controls.
NoteYou can also set a cue mark by pressing the U key while your cursor is in an Animation Editor, or in the Player navigation bar's current frame counter.

(a) Cue marks in Animation Editor  

Note You can also add a cue mark by right-clicking in any Animation Editor and selecting Add at Select Time or Add From Current Time from the Cue Marks sub-menu.

To set a cue mark to a specific frame of a film clip:

  1. Do one of the following:
    • Drag the time cursor in the Player navigation bar (or type in the frame number) to the frame on which you want to set a cue mark.
    • Play the composition, so that you can add cue marks during playback.
  2. Select the Set Cue Mark button in the Player navigation controls (left side) or set the cue mark while the footage is playing by pressing the U key. Play-and-set is a more interactive method of adding cue marks.
  3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 to add more cue marks.

Renaming Cue Marks

You can keep track of your cue marks by renaming them. There are several ways you can do this:

To rename to a cue mark using the Cue Marks tab:

  1. Select the Cue Marks tab in the tool UI.

    The list of cue marks appears (by default, unnamed cue marks are numbered in succession).

  2. Select the name field and press F2 or right-click and select Edit.
  3. Type in a name for the cue mark and press Enter.
  4. Repeat steps 1 to 3 to add a description to or set a new frame for the cue mark.

To rename a cue mark using the Cue Name field in the Animation tab Properties area:

  1. Select the existing name in the Cue Name field.
    NoteThe cue mark must be selected before the text edit is allowed.
  2. Type in the new name.
  3. Press Enter.


To delete a cue mark:

  1. Select the Cue Marks tab in the tool UI.
  2. Select a cue mark.
  3. Right-click and select Delete.

To delete a cue mark using the contextual menu in any Animation Editor:

  1. Select the cue mark you want to delete by selecting the top of it (it will turn from black to yellow when selected).
  2. Right-click and select Delete (or Delete All) from the Cue Marks sub-menu.

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