Display Motion Vectors


The Show Vectors tool is a three input, single output image pass-through tool that allows in-player viewing of 2D vectors as overlays on an RGBA image. Images representing a 2D vector per pixel can be used as image inputs to indicate pixel displacement from one frame to another. These 2D vector images can either be generated for artistic effect, the result of an analysis, or imported from a render generated from a 3D package.

To display motion vector overlays on an image with the Show Vectors tool:

  1. Drop a Show Vectors tool node onto a composition.
  2. Connect the Show Vectors primary image input to the footage node.
  3. Connect the Show Vectors Forward Vectors input, and/or the Backward Vectors input to vector image output(s).
  4. Select the Show Vectors tool node. The Player shows forward vectors (if connected) as 2D vectors on top of the input image.
  5. Press the m key (lowercase) to display backward vectors (if connected) as 2D vectors are on top of the input image. Press it again to display both forward and backward vectors on top of the input image. Pressing it a third time will only show the input image. Pressing it a fourth time will start the cycle over.

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