Manipulating Curve Control Points


For more detailed curve manipulation, control points can be added to, or deleted from the curve.

To add a control point to the curve:

  1. With the cursor in the curve window, press + (plus sign) to enter a mode where each click on the curve creates a control vertex at that location.

To delete a control point from the curve:

  1. With the cursor in the curve window, press - to enter a mode where each click on a control vertex deletes the control vertex at that location.

To exit the Add or Delete control point mode:

  1. Press Esc.
NoteThis tool can be masked.

The Remap Alpha tool has the following parameters:

Use: To:
Invert Invert the alpha after the curve mapping.
Curve Gesturally manipulate the alpha remapping.
Reset Reset the remapping curve.

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