Navigating the Animation Editor


Contextual navigation controls are available for both Keyframes and Cue Marks. They let you perform the following operations:

Select: To:
Next (Keyframes) Move the time cursor to the next keyframe among the selected curves.
Previous (Keyframes & Cue Marks) Move the time cursor to the previous keyframe among the selected curves.
Next (Cue Marks) Move the time cursor to the next cue mark.
Previous (Cue Marks) Move the time cursor to the previous cue mark.
First (Keyframes) Move the time cursor to the first keyframe among the selected curves.
Last (Keyframes) Move the time cursor to the last keyframe among the selected curves.
Select Next (Keyframes & Cue Marks) Select next keyframe or curve.
Select Previous (Keyframes & Cue Marks) Select previous keyframe or curve.
Select All (Keyframes & Curves) Select all keyframes or curves.
Deselect All (Keyframes & Curves) Deselect all keyframes and curves.
Add Click Time (Cue Marks) Adds cue mark at the position that you click with your mouse.
Add Current Time (Cue Marks) Adds cue mark at the current time.
Delete (Cue Marks) Delete a specific cue mark.
Delete all (Cue Marks) Delete all cue marks.