You can set the way the Animation Editor is displayed, as well as the playback options.
To set the Animation Editor options:
Pin Lock the time of the view to either Composition or Tool. If you lock the time to Composition, the view always displays animation curves in global time. If you enable Tool, the view always displays the local time of the tool node currently selected in the Schematic view.
Composition Display animation curves or tracks in global time.
Tool Display animation curves or tracks in the local time of the tool node selected in the Schematic view. If you did not select the Pin option for a specific tool, the Animation Editor view updates each time you select a different tool node in the Schematic view to reflect the animation curve of that tool node
Follow Master Uses global time. Deselect to use local time.
Offset Lets you set a frame offset for the time. The frame offset is with respect to the time you set for the view. For example, if you set a frame offset of 5 and selected the Follow Master option, the view always displays the frame that is five frames ahead of the frame currently running in global time. If you deselected Follow Master, the view always displays the frame that is five frames ahead of the frame running in the local time of the view.
Update on Play Updates the proxy at each frame when you play the composition. Deselect to update the proxy only when you stop playing the composition, and only at the scrub frames when you scrub through the composition.
Play All Frames Plays all frames in the composition, regardless of whether it maintains the frame rate set for the composition. Deselect to have the view maintain the frame rate for the composition, at the expense of dropping frames where necessary.
User Lets you set the frame rate at which you want the view to play the composition.
Stop on Drop Stops playing if a tool is dropped into the dependency graph.