Hotkeys > 



The following hotkeys are available in any browser. The Browser view and the File workspace are browsers.

Press: To:
Delete Delete
F5 Refresh
Ctrl + A Select all.
Ctrl + drag Copy
Ctrl + click Add to, or remove from, the selection.
Shift + click Select the range between the last element selected and this one.
Shift + click (on Sort area of the column) Add the column to the sort criteria.
F2 Edit the text.
Esc Cancel the text edit.
Down Arrow Move to next row.
Up Arrow Move to previous row.
Right Arrow Move to next column.
Left Arrow Move to previous column.
Page Down Move to next page.
Page Up Move to previous page.
Home Move to first item in list.
End Move to last item in list.
Double-click Open (File Browser).
Ctrl + D Bookmark path.