Composition Browser Functionality


There are five buttons at the bottom of the Composition Browser: the Filters Option button, the Filter button, The Auto Expand button, The Expand Column button, and the Collapse Column button.

The Filters Options Button

The Filters Options lets you select one or more filters. The filters are divided into two groups: Tools and Channels.

Multiple filters are additive (except for the All filter option, which unselects other filters and shows all nodes). For example, clicking Mute and Context Point would display muted nodes as well as nodes that have a context point set on them. Therefor adding tool filters adds tool nodes to your display.

Click: To:
Selected Display tools (in the result) that are currently selected.
Similar Filter tools that are similar to the selected tools.
Muted Display tools (in the result) that are muted.
Context Point Filter tools that have context points on them.
All Display all nodes in the composition.
Animated Display nodes (in the result) that contain channels that are animated.
Expression Filter inputs that are connected to expressions.
Marked Display nodes (in the result) that contain channels marked for keyframing.

The Filter Button

Click this button to apply the filters you have selected.

The Auto Expand button

Click this button to expand the parent folders of the selection and center on the first item, when the global selection changes.

The Expand Columns button

Click this button to expand all the columns in the browser.

The Collapse Columns button

Click this button to collapse all the columns in the browser.