Adjusting the Zoom or Pan


You can zoom or pan in the Player view, the fullscreen Player, or the mini-Player.

To zoom in the Player:

  1. Do one of the following:
    • In the Player, press Up Arrow to zoom in or Down Arrow to zoom out.
    • Press Ctrl + Spacebar(for Windows and Linux) or Cmd + Spacebar(for Mac OS) and drag right to zoom in or left to zoom out.
    • To zoom a region Region zoom; User drag out a box, and the view is zoomed (uniformly or not, depending on the viewer) to fit the viewer extents. You can also use the Shift + Spacebar + drag hotkey combination.
    • Press Home to reset the zoom factor to 1. Pressing Home again will set zoom to previous zoom factor. This is not available in all viewers.

To pan in the Player:

  1. In the Player, press Spacebar and drag.

Things to Remember