Hotkeys > Views > 



The following hotkeys are available in the Schematic view.

Press: To:
[1-4] + click a node Set a context point on that node. The number indicates the number of the context point. For example, pressing 1 + click sets context point 1. Pressing 3 + click sets context point 3.
[1-4] + click the background of Schematic Clear the context point. The number indicates the number of the context point to clear. For example, pressing 2 + click clears context point 2, and pressing 4 + click clears context point 4.
Shift + drag a node into contact with another node Connect the two nodes (Kiss). Release Shift and continue dragging to cancel the operation.
Alt + drag a node onto a connection Insert the node between the two nodes joined by that connection. Release Alt and continue dragging to cancel the operation.
Cmd + drag through one or more connections Disconnect the nodes joined by that connection or by those connections.
G Group or ungroup the selected node(s).
Double-click Edit the selected group.
Double-click (background) Exit the group.
M Mute or unmute nodes.
C Clean up Schematic.
Delete Delete nodes.
Ctrl + R Reset nodes.
A + click (node) Mark node for keyframe.
T Toggle node thumbnails.
D (drag over node) Display the details of a selected node without opening the node.
Shift + D Show all node details.
E Expand or collapse node.
Cmd + A Select all nodes and connections.
X + click Select all upstream nodes. You can select multiple branches without clearing the selection.
L layout selected.
Cmd + L Layout all.
Ctrl Increase Auto-pan speed.
Alt Decrease Auto-pan speed.
(outside of viewer) Create boundary node.
Shift + G Group nodes (visual).
Shift + O Open visual group.
Shift + C Close visual group.
V + drag Add to visual group.
Shift + V + drag Remove from visual group.
C + drag Copy node