may want to render only shadows in your scene and use the alpha
channel to composite.
To create a shadow pass in the alpha
channel using the Maya Software renderer
- Select the object with fur (this would
be the sphere in the example above) and in the Render Stats section
of the Attribute Editor, turn off Primary Visibility.
- In Hypershade, select Create > Materials
> Use Background and assign Use Background to the surface you
want to create the shadow pass on.
- Select Fur > Fur Globals, go to the
Advanced section and do the following:
- Turn off Enable Fur Image Rendering.
- Turn on Enable Fur Shading/Shadowing
(this is the default).
- Render the scene using the Maya Software
- In the Render View toolbar, click the
Alpha button to see the alpha of the fur shadow.
To create a shadow pass in the alpha
channel using the mental ray for Maya renderer
- Select the object with fur (this would
be the sphere in the example above) and in the Render Stats section
of the Attribute Editor, turn off Primary Visibility.
- Select the fur and in the Render Stats
section of the FurFeedbackShape node in the Attribute Editor, turn
off Primary Visibility.
- In Hypershade, select Create > Materials
> Use Background and assign Use Background to the surface you
want to create the shadow pass on.
- Render the scene using the mental ray
for Maya renderer.
- In the Render View toolbar, click the
Alpha button to see the alpha of the fur shadow.