Opens the Interactive Skin Bind Options window.
Bind To
Specifies whether to bind to an entire skeleton or only to selected joints.
Specifies that the selected deformable geometry is bound to the entire hierarchy of the selected joint or non-joint transform node, from the top node down through the entire node hierarchy. If there are any joints in the node hierarchy, they are also included in the bind. With this option, you can bind entire pieces of geometry to nodes like groups or locators.
Bind Method
Specifies whether joints influence nearby skin points based on the skeleton hierarchy, or based only on joint proximity. Select from the following options:
Specifies that joint influence is based on the skeleton’s hierarchy. This is the default.
In character setup, you usually want to use this binding method because it can prevent inappropriate joint influences. For example, this method can prevent a right thigh joint from influencing nearby skin points on the left thigh.
Specifies that joint influence is based only on proximity to the skin points. When binding skin, Maya ignores the hierarchy of the skeleton. In character setup, you will usually want to avoid this binding method because it can cause inappropriate joint influences. For example, this method can cause a right thigh joint to influence nearby skin points on the left thigh.
Include Method
Lets you determine how vertices are included within the initial interactive bind manipulators. Select from the following options:
Skinning Method
Specify which skinning method you want to use for the selected deformable object. See also Smooth skinning methods for more information.
Sets the object to use classic linear skinning. Use this mode if you want basic smooth skin deformation effects, the same as in previous versions of Maya. This mode allows some volume shrinking and collapse deformation effects to occur.
When a mesh is set to linear skinning, it can lose volume in areas where it is influenced by a joint that is twisting on its axis.
Sets the object to use a blend of classic linear and dual quaternion skinning, based on a per-vertex weight map that you paint. See Blend smooth skinning methods.
Specifies the number of joints that can influence each skin point on your smooth skin geometry. Default is 5, which produces good smooth skinning results for most characters. You can also limit the range of joint influence by specifying a Dropoff Rate. See Dropoff Rate.
When on, your smooth skinned geometry cannot have, at any time, a number of influences greater than that specified by Max Influences.
For example, if Max Influences is set to 3, and you paint or set weights for a fourth joint, one of the weights of the other three joints is set to 0 to maintain the total number of weighted influences specified by Max Influences.
This limits the redistribution of weights to a specific number of influences, and ensures that the primary joints are the ones that receive the weights.