Edit closest point constraints

If you created an Input Position Locator when you created the closest point constraint, you can adjust the position of the locator using the Move tool.

To move an Input locator

  1. Select the locator.
  2. Select the Move tool , then move the locator.

    The closest point locator (if you created one) and the result calculation are updated accordingly. (See View closest point constraint result.)

If you did not create an Input Position Locator as you created the constraint, you can manually define the input position using the constraint’s In Position attribute.

To manually set the input position

  1. Select the closestPointOnMesh, closestPointOnSurface, or nearestPointOnCurve node.
  2. In the Attribute Editor, enter the X, Y, and Z values for the In Position attribute.

    This defines a new input position, and the closest point result calculation is updated accordingly. (See View closest point constraint result.)

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