Collide Strength
A new Collide
Strength attribute lets you specify the strength of collisions between
nCloth and other Nucleus objects.
You can use the Paint
nCloth Attributes Tool to create a Collide
Strength vertex map or texture map to dampen or disable
collisions on selected nCloth and passive collision object components.
In previous versions of Maya, the easiest way to exclude selected vertices
from collision is to create Exclude Collide Pairs constraints. Collide
Strength Maps have also been added to nCloth objects.
Passive collision objects
also have new Collide Strength and Collide
Strength Map attributes.
Paintable Rest
Length Scale
You can now can use the Paint
nCloth Attributes Tool to create a Rest
Length Scale vertex map or texture map to set Rest
Length Scale on selected nCloth object components. Painting Rest Length
Scale values per-vertex is useful for creating ruffles
and flares in nCloth, and for simulating textured fabrics, such
as seersucker.
New Cacheable
Attributes option
A new Dynamic
State option for Cacheable Attributes provides
improved results for resuming nCloth simulations off the end of
an nCache. Dynamic State caches the X,Y,
and Z positions of an nCloth object's vertices, the object's velocity,
as well as internal state information.
Bend Solver
A new Bend
Solver attribute lets you set the method used to solve Bend
Resistance. Bend Solver methods
can now better resolve instances of vertex cross-over and flipped
geometry than the method used in previous versions of Maya.