Test textures (and texture ranges).
Edit > Render Texture
Range >
These are descriptions
of the options in the Render Texture Range
Options dialog box.
- Image name
The name of the resulting
rendered images. Images are written to the images directory of the active
project. The file name will be padded (for example, checker.0001.iff).
- File Format
The file format of the
rendered texture images.
- x/y Resolution
The x and y resolutions
for the rendered texture images.
- Start Frame
The first frame number
used for the sequence.
- End Frame
The last frame number
used for the sequence.
- By Frame
- Padding
The number of padding
digits in the number (for example, 001 is 3, 0001 is 4, and so on).
- Auto load range in image
Launches and loads the
newly created sequence into image viewer.