For a description of the Multiply
Divide utility, see
Multiply Divide.
To multiply and divide input attributes
- In a material’s Attribute
Editor, map the Multiply Divide utility
to the Color attribute.
- In the Multiply-Divide Attributes section
in Attributes Editor, map textures
to the input attributes. Click the boxes next to Input
1 and Input 2 to and select textures
from the Create Render Node window.
- Click the Input 1 and 2 boxes
to access the Attribute Editors for the mapped
textures and change the attribute settings if necessary.
TipTo return the focus
to the Multiply-Divide Attributes section
in Attribute Editor, either click
the Focus button in the texture’s Attribute
Editor until you access it, or click the Multiply
Divide swatch in the Hypershade panel.