Edit source clips

To edit source clip attributes

  1. Select the source clip whose attributes you want to edit.

    See Select source clips.

  2. Open the Channel Box.

    The source clip and its attributes display in the Channel Box.

  3. Modify the values of the source clip attributes as you desire.

    See animClip.

To view and edit the animation curves of a source clip

  1. Do one of the following:
    • In the Visor, click the Character Clips or Unused Clips tab and then select the source clip you want to edit.
    • In the Outliner, view the clips in your scene and then select the source clip you want to edit. For information on viewing clips in the Outliner, see Use the Outliner with Trax.
  2. In the Maya main menu, select Window > Animation Editors > Graph Editor.

    The Graph Editor appears, displaying the animation keys and curves contained in the selected source clip.