Edit NURBS > Stitch
> Stitch Surface Points >
These are the options
you see in the Stitch Surface Points Options window.
- Keep Original
If Keep
Original is on, the stitch surface is created on top
of the original input surfaces. This lets you move the resulting
surface if you are not satisfied with the result. You can re-stitch a
new surface with different option settings.
- Assign Equal Weights
If Assign Equal Weights is
on, a weighted average of the selected points is performed both in
position and normal using an average NurbsSurfacePoint node.
If turned on, all the
points are assigned a weight of 0.5. When turned off, the first
selected point is assigned a weight of 1.0 and the rest 0. The default
is on.
- Cascade Stitch Node
If Cascade Stitch Node is
on, the stitch operation ignores any prior stitch operations on the
surface. If turned off and the surface has had a stitch operation
performed on it, the stitch node from the previous operation is
used. The default is on.