curves on surface wherever two surfaces intersect.
Edit NURBS > Intersect
Surfaces >
- Create Curves for
Surface causes only the first surface selected (the target
surface) to receive a curve-on-surface.
Surfaces causes the target surface and the surface selected
as the intersecting surface to both receive curves-on-surface. This
is the default.
NoteIf you select many
surfaces, the last selected is the target surface. For example,
if you select 10 surfaces, the first nine are intersected with the tenth.
- Curve Type
On Surface creates a curve-on-surface as the intersection
curve. This is the default.
World creates a NURBS curve in 3D world space. The curve
is not a curve-on-surface and cannot be used to trim the surface
later on.
NoteText cannot be intersected
with a target surface because text is a collection of curves. You cannot
intersect a surface and curve. To intersect text, you must create
the text as trim surfaces.
- Use Tolerance
The Use
Tolerance options let you intersect within a specified
tolerance of the default intersection. You can apply tolerance globally
or locally.
Global tolerance
causes Maya to use the Positional value in the Settings part of
the Preferences window.
Local tolerance
lets you enter a new value to override the value in the Preferences window.