Maps UV texture coordinates onto the
selected surface mesh by projecting them along one direction from
an imaginary plane.
Create UVs > Planar
Mapping >
Fit projection to:
By default, the projection
manipulator is automatically positioned based on one of two settings:
- Best plane
you want to map UVs for a portion of the object’s faces, you can
select Best plane and the projection
manipulator snaps to an angle and rotation aimed directly at the
selected faces.
- Bounding box
option works best when you are mapping UVs to all or most of an
object’s faces. It snaps the projection manipulator to fit within
the object’s bounding box. With this option on, you must choose
one of the Project from directions to
establish the orientation of the projection manipulator.
- Project from
Choose an axis (X, Y,
Z) so that the projection manipulator is aimed at the majority of
the object’s faces. For example, a turtle model sitting on the grid
would have most of its faces pointing along the Y axis, while a
horse model standing on the grid would have most of its faces pointing
along the X or Z axis.
Choose the Camera option
if most of the model’s faces point somewhere that is not directly
along the X, Y, or Z axis. This option positions the projection
manipulator based on the current active view.
- Keep image width/height
Turn this option on to
retain the width to height ratio of the image so that the image
does not distort. Turn it off so that the mapped UVs fill the 0
to 1 coordinates in the UV Texture Editor.
- Insert projection before deformers
The Insert
projection before deformers option is relevant when the
polygonal object has a deformation applied to it. If the option
is turned off and the deformation is animated, the texture placement
is affected by the change in vertex positions. This leads to “swimming”
Turning this option on
applies the texture placement to the polygonal object before the deformation
is applied to it. That is, the texture placement dependency graph
node is inserted before the deformer dependency graph nodes and
the texture “sticks” to the geometry even after the deformation.
- Create new UV set
Turn this option on to
create a new UV set and place the UVs created by the projection
in that set. Type the name of your UV set in the UV
Set name box.
Manually adjusting the
projection manipulator
can use the manipulator handles to interactively adjust the UV map
that gets projected or enter values to change the Projection
Center, Rotation and Scale using
either the Channel Box or the Attribute
Editor. These values correspond to the manipulator handles
that display when you map your texture onto the polygon.
- Projection Center
The projection center
defines the point of origin in the X, Y, or Z axis from where you
can project a texture map. By default, this is the center of the
selected faces in the X, Y, or Z axis.
- Rotate
Type a value to rotate
the projection in the 3D view around the X, Y, or Z axis which subsequently
rotates the texture.
- Projection Width
Sets the width (U) of
the projection relative to the 3D projection axis.
- Projection Height
Sets the height (V) of
the projection relative to the 3D projection axis.
- Image Center
This value represents
the center of the projected UVs. Changing this value translates
the center accordingly.
- Rotation Angle
This value changes the
angle at which UVs are rotated in the 2D window. Drag the slider
or enter a value to rotate the image.
- Image Scale
This value represents
the width (U) or the height (V) of the 2D map relative to the 2D
center point.