for loop has this format:
for (initialization; condition; change of condition) {
The brackets after for
statement must contain three parts, separated by semicolons. It’s
very important to understand the relationship between these parts:
- The initialization sets up the initial
value of a looping variable, for example $i
= 0 or $i = $v+1. This
expression is run only once before the loop starts.
- The condition is checked at the start
of each iteration of the loop. If it’s true, the block executes.
If it’s false, the loop ends and execution continues after the loop.
For example $i < 5 or $i < size($words).
- The change of condition is run at the
end of each iteration of the loop. This expression should make some
change that gets each iteration closer to the end goal of the loop.
For example $i++ or $i += 5.
A for loop evaluates
the termination condition before executing each statement.
The condition compares variable, attribute,
or constant values.
int $i;
for ($i = 10; $i > 0; $i--) {