By default,
your scene has only one renderable camera (the original perspective
camera) that can render all objects in your scene.
If you add another camera
to your scene and want to make it renderable (or you would like
to make one of the existing cameras renderable), you must set the
camera to renderable. You can have multiple renderable cameras.
Set your list of renderable cameras in the Render
Settings window (
Window > Rendering Editors > Render Settings).
To make a camera renderable
- Open the Render Settings window
by selecting
Window > Rendering Editors > Render Settings.
- Click on the Common Tab
and locate the Renderable Cameras section.
- To set another renderable camera, select Add
Renderable Camera from the drop-down list. A new Renderable
Camera section appears. Select from the drop-down list the additional
camera that you would like to make renderable. Repeat until all
of the cameras that you wish to make renderable are displayed.
- To make a camera unrenderable, click
the camera name. This will remove it from the list of renderable
cameras but not delete the camera from the scene.
Renderable Cameras for
more information regarding the Renderable Cameras option.
- Advanced users can turn off the Renderable attribute
in the Output Settings section of
the Attribute Editor for the cameras
you do not want to render from.
- For Maya software rendering, you can
also select a camera (or several cameras) to render from when you
render from a shell or command line. Use Render and
the ?cam option. See
Render from a command line for
information about command line rendering.