
// ==========================================================================
// Copyright 1995,2006,2008 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk
// license agreement provided at the time of installation or download,
// or which otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic
// or hard copy form.
// ==========================================================================

#include <maya/MSimple.h>
#include <maya/MIOStream.h>
#include <maya/MRenderView.h>
#include <maya/M3dView.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <maya/MSyntax.h>
#include <maya/MArgDatabase.h>

//      renderViewRenderRegion command declaration
class renderViewRenderRegion : public MPxCommand 
        renderViewRenderRegion() {};
        ~renderViewRenderRegion() {};

        virtual MStatus doIt ( const MArgList& );
        static void*    creator();
        static MSyntax  newSyntax();
        MStatus parseSyntax (MArgDatabase &argData);

        static const char * cmdName;

        bool doNotClearBackground;                              


static const char * kDoNotClearBackground               = "-b";
static const char * kDoNotClearBackgroundLong   = "-background";

const char * renderViewRenderRegion::cmdName = "renderViewRenderRegion";

void* renderViewRenderRegion::creator()                                 
        return new renderViewRenderRegion;                                      

MSyntax renderViewRenderRegion::newSyntax()
        MStatus status;
        MSyntax syntax;
        syntax.addFlag( kDoNotClearBackground, kDoNotClearBackgroundLong );
        CHECK_MSTATUS_AND_RETURN(status, syntax);
        return syntax;

// Description:
//              Read the values of the additionnal flags for this command.
MStatus renderViewRenderRegion::parseSyntax (MArgDatabase &argData)
        // Get the flag values, otherwise the default values are used.
        doNotClearBackground = argData.isFlagSet( kDoNotClearBackground );
        return MS::kSuccess;

// Description:
//              register the command
MStatus initializePlugin( MObject obj )                 
        MFnPlugin       plugin( obj, PLUGIN_COMPANY, "4.5" );   
        MStatus         stat;                                                                           
        stat = plugin.registerCommand(  renderViewRenderRegion::cmdName,
        if ( !stat )                                                                                            
                stat.perror( "registerCommand" );                                                       
        return stat;                                                                                            

// Description:
//              unregister the command
MStatus uninitializePlugin( MObject obj )                                               
        MFnPlugin       plugin( obj );                                                                  
        MStatus         stat;                                                                                   
        stat = plugin.deregisterCommand( renderViewRenderRegion::cmdName );                             
        if ( !stat )                                                                    
                stat.perror( "deregisterCommand" );                     
        return stat;                                                                    

RV_PIXEL evaluate(int x, int y)
//      Description:
//              Generates a simple procedural circular pattern to be sent to the 
//              Render View.
//      Arguments:
//              x, y - coordinates in the current tile (the pattern is centred 
//                         around (0,0) ).
//      Return Value:
//              An RV_PIXEL structure containing the colour of pixel (x,y).
        unsigned int distance = (unsigned int) sqrt(double((x*x) + (y*y)));

        RV_PIXEL pixel;
        // Always fully blue.
        pixel.b = 255.0f;               
        // Green and red varies according to the distance.
        pixel.g = pixel.r = 155.0f + (distance % 20) * 5;
        pixel.a = 255.0f;

        return pixel;

MStatus renderViewRenderRegion::doIt( const MArgList& args )
//      Description:
//              Implements the MEL renderViewRenderRegion command.  This command
//              fills the currently selected Render Region with a circular blue 
//              and white pattern.  It assumes that the Render View is currently
//              displaying a 640x480 image (if it isn't, then this command will
//              resize the Render View to 640x480).
//      Arguments:
//              args - the argument list that was passes to the command from MEL.
//                              -background/-b renders the pattern without clearing the region
//      Return Value:
//              MS::kSuccess - command succeeded
//              MS::kFailure - command failed (returning this value will cause the 
//                     MEL script that is being run to terminate unless the
//                     error is caught using a "catch" statement.
        MStatus stat = MS::kSuccess;

        unsigned int resX = 640;
        unsigned int resY = 480;

        // Check if the render view exists. It should always exist, unless
        // Maya is running in batch mode.
        if (!MRenderView::doesRenderEditorExist())
                setResult( "Cannot renderViewRenderRegion in batch render mode. "
                                   "Please run in interactive mode, "
                                   "so that the render editor exists." );
                return MS::kFailure;

        // get optional flags
        MArgDatabase    argData( syntax(), args );
        parseSyntax( argData );

        // Pick a camera, and tell the Render View that we will be rendering
        // from its point of view.  Just use the camera for the active 
        // modelling view.
        M3dView curView = M3dView::active3dView();
        MDagPath camDagPath;
        curView.getCamera( camDagPath );
        cout<<"Region rendering camera"<<camDagPath.fullPathName().asChar()<<endl;

        if( MRenderView::setCurrentCamera( camDagPath ) != MS::kSuccess )
                setResult( "renderViewRenderRegion: error occurred in setCurrentCamera." );
                return MS::kFailure;

        // Retrieve the dimensions of the currently selected Render Region.
        unsigned int regionLeft, regionRight, regionBottom, regionTop;
        stat = MRenderView::getRenderRegion( regionLeft, regionRight, 
                                                                                 regionBottom, regionTop );
        if( stat != MS::kSuccess )
                setResult( "renderViewRenderRegion: error occurred in getRenderRegion." );
                return MS::kFailure;

        // Assume that the full rendered image is 640x480, and tell the 
        // Render View that we're about to start rendering the given region.
        stat = MRenderView::startRegionRender( resX, resY, 
                                                                                   regionLeft, regionRight, 
                                                                                   regionBottom, regionTop,
                                                                                   doNotClearBackground );
        if( stat == MS::kSuccess )
                cout<<"Rendering Region ("<<regionLeft<<","<<regionBottom
                        <<") -> ("<<regionRight<<","<<regionTop<<")"<<endl;

                unsigned int width = regionRight - regionLeft + 1;
                unsigned int height = regionTop - regionBottom + 1;
                unsigned int numPixels = width * height;
                unsigned int middleX = width / 2;
                unsigned int middleY = height / 2;

                // Allocate buffer to store the region
                RV_PIXEL* pixels = new RV_PIXEL[numPixels];

                // Fill the region buffer with a circular blue/white pattern centred on 
                // the middle of the region
                for( unsigned int x = 0; x < width; x++ )
                        for( unsigned int y = 0; y < height; y++ )
                                int index = y*width + x;
                                int xCoord = x - middleX;
                                int yCoord = y - middleY;

                                pixels[index] = evaluate( xCoord, yCoord );
                // Send the pixel data to the Render View.
                stat = MRenderView::updatePixels( regionLeft, regionRight, 
                                                                                  regionBottom, regionTop, 
                                                                                  pixels );

                if( stat != MS::kSuccess )
                        setResult( "renderViewRenderRegion: error occurred in updatePixels." );
                        return MS::kFailure;

                // Force a refresh of the region in the Render View window.
                stat = MRenderView::refresh( regionLeft, regionRight, 
                                                                         regionBottom, regionTop );
                if( stat != MS::kSuccess )
                        setResult( "renderViewRenderRegion: error occurred in refresh." );
                        return MS::kFailure;
                setResult( "renderViewRenderRegion: error occurred in startRegionRender." );
                return MS::kFailure;

        // Notify the Render View that we are done rendering the region.
        stat = MRenderView::endRender();
        if( stat != MS::kSuccess )
                setResult( "renderViewRenderRegion: error occurred in endRender." );
                return MS::kFailure;

        setResult( "renderViewRenderRegion completed." );
        return stat;

Autodesk® Maya® 2011 © 1997-2010 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved. Generated with doxygen 1.5.6