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Detaches a curve at the parameter specified in the "parameter" multiattribute. The output is a multiattribute containing the detached curve pieces. The "keep" multiattribute (which should be 1 element larger than the "parameter" attribute) specifies which curve pieces to keep or discard.

For example, if a curve is detached at three places, there are four curve pieces to keep or discard. Generally, the parameters in the "parameter" multiattribute should be in ascending order, otherwise the curve pieces may overlap. Detaches a curve at the parameter specified in the "parameter" multiattribute. The output is a multiattribute containing the detached curve pieces. The "keep" multiattribute (which should be 1 element larger than the "parameter" attribute) specifies which curve pieces to keep or discard. For example, if a curve is detached at three places, there are four curve pieces to keep or discard. Generally, the parameters in the "parameter" multiattribute should be in ascending order, otherwise the curve pieces may overlap.
Node name Parents MFn type Compatible function sets
detachCurve abstractBaseCreate kDetachCurve kBase

Related nodes

projectCurve, rebuildCurve, attachCurve, extendCurve, insertKnotCurve, curveShape, nurbsCurve

Attributes (4)

inputCurve, keep, outputCurve, parameter

Long name (short name) Type Default Flags
inputCurve (ic) nurbsCurve NULL outputinputconnectable
The input curve
outputCurve (oc) nurbsCurve NULL arrayoutputconnectable
The output detached curve(s)
parameter (p) double 0.0 arrayoutputinputconnectablestorablekeyable
Parameter values to detach at
keep (k) bool true arrayoutputinputconnectablestorable
Whether or not to keep a detached piece. This multiattribute should be one element larger than the parameter multattribute.