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Compute the attached curve given two input curves. The end point of the first curve is attached to the start point of the second curve. After the attach is done, multiple knots exist at the point where the curves were joined. The multiple knots can be kept (keepMultipleKnots set to true) or they can be removed. If removed, the shape of the attach result may change.

In the blend case, the multiple knot at the connection will not exist, so the "keepMultipleKnots" option is ignored. The blend value will skew the resulting curve toward one or the other input curve - the value of 0.5 gives them equal influence. The parameter value is used only when blendKnotInsertion is set to true.
Node name Parents MFn type Compatible function sets
attachCurve abstractBaseCreate kAttachCurve kBase

Related nodes

projectCurve, rebuildCurve, detachCurve, extendCurve, insertKnotCurve, curveShape, nurbsCurve

Attributes (11)

blendBias, blendKnotInsertion, inputCurve1, inputCurve2, inputCurves, keepMultipleKnots, method, outputCurve, parameter, reverse1, reverse2

Long name (short name) Type Default Flags
inputCurve1 (ic1) nurbsCurve NULL outputinputconnectable
The first input curve if there are two input curves in total.
inputCurve2 (ic2) nurbsCurve NULL outputinputconnectable
The second input curve if there are two input curves in total.
inputCurves (ics) nurbsCurve NULL arrayoutputinputconnectable
All input curves if there are more than two input curves in total.
outputCurve (oc) nurbsCurve NULL outputconnectable
Output attached curve.
reverse1 (rv1) bool false outputinputconnectablestorablekeyable
If true, reverse the first input curve before doing attach. Otherwise, do nothing to the first input curve before attaching. NOTE: setting this attribute to random values will cause unpredictable results and is not supported.
reverse2 (rv2) bool false outputinputconnectablestorablekeyable
If true, reverse the second input curve before doing attach. Otherwise, do nothing to the second input curve before attaching. NOTE: setting this attribute to random values will cause unpredictable results and is not supported.
method (m) enum 0 outputinputconnectablestorablekeyable
Attach method (connect-0, blend-1)
keepMultipleKnots (kmk) bool true outputinputconnectablestorablekeyable
If true, keep multiple knots at the join parameter. Otherwise remove them.
blendBias (bb) double 0.5 outputinputconnectablestorablekeyable
Skew the result toward the first or the second curve depending on the blend factory being smaller or larger than 0.5.
blendKnotInsertion (bki) bool false outputinputconnectablestorablekeyable
If set to true, insert a knot in one of the original curves (relative position given by the parameter attribute below) in order to produce a slightly different effect.
parameter (p) double 0.1 outputinputconnectablestorablekeyable
The parameter value for the positioning of the newly inserted knot.