Long name (short name) |
Argument types |
Properties |
-sampleByFace(-bf) |
When used, sample will occur at a per face level versus a per
vertex level, which is the default behaviour |
-computeShadows(-cs) |
When used, shadow maps will be computed, saved, and reused
during the sampling process. |
-useLightShadows(-ul) |
When used, will use each lights shadow map options. Otherwise
these options will be overrridden when the computeShadows, and/or
reusedShadows option is enabled. |
-reuseShadows(-rs) |
When used, if shadow maps were previosly computed and saved,
then they will be reused during the sampling process. The
computeShadows option must be enabled for this option to
apply. |
-lightingOnly(-lo) |
When used, incoming illumination will be computed as opposed to
surface color an tranparency |
-flatShading(-fs) |
When used, flat shaded sampling will be computed. The default
is smooth shading. |
-displaceGeometry(-dg) |
When used, geometry will be displaced along the normals at the
sampling positions, as opposed to storing color values. The default
is to store colors. |
-scaleFactor(-sf) |
float |
When used, will scale the sampled value by the specified
amount. The default scale factor is 1.0. Negative values are
acceptable for displacement, but not for color values. |
-shareUV(-su) |
When used, UVs are shared at a vertex when sampled. By default
UVs are forced to be unshared. |
-averageColor(-ac) |
When used, will mean to force the storage of shared colors for
vertex level sampling. By default vertex level sampling stores
unshared colors. |
-clampRGBMin(-cmn) |
float float float |
When used, will mean to clamp the storage of RGB color to a
minimum |
-clampRGBMax(-cmx) |
float float float |
When used, will mean to clamp the storage of RGB color to a
maximum |
-clampAlphaMin(-amn) |
float |
When used, will mean to clamp the storage of alpha to a
minimum |
-clampAlphaMax(-amx) |
float |
When used, will mean to clamp the storage of alpha to a
maximum |
-colorBlend(-cbl) |
string |
When specified, indicates the type of color blend to be
applied. Options are: "none", "overwrite", "add", "subtract",
"multiply", "divide", "average". This option only applies when
colors are being set. The default if this argument is not specified
is "overwrite". The "none" options to not overwrite the existing
value. |
-alphaBlend(-abl) |
string |
When specified, indicates the type of alpha blend to be
applied. Options are: "none", "overwrite", "add", "subtract",
"multiply", "divide", "average". This option only applies when
colors are being set. The default if this argument is not specified
is "overwrite". The "none" options to not overwrite the existing
value. |
-ignoreDoubleSided(-ids) |
When specified, the double sided flag will be ignored for
prelighting. |
-colorDisplayOption(-cdo) |
Change the display options on the mesh to display the vertex
colors. |