MPxImageFile Class Reference
[OpenMaya - API module for common classesProxy classes]

#include <MPxImageFile.h>

List of all members.

Detailed Description

Image manipulation.

This class provides methods for reading file images stored on disk.

The MPxImageFile class can be used to implement support for new image file formats in Maya. The implementation is able to support both fixed and floating point image formats.


Public Member Functions

  MPxImageFile ()
virtual  ~MPxImageFile ()
virtual MStatus  open (MString pathname, MImageFileInfo *info)
virtual MStatus  load (MImage &image, unsigned int imageNumber)
virtual MStatus  glLoad (const MImageFileInfo &info, unsigned int imageNumber)
virtual MStatus  close ()

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

MPxImageFile::MPxImageFile (  ) 

The default class constructor. Initialize the image.

MPxImageFile::~MPxImageFile (  )  [virtual]

Class destructor. Automatically releases the associated image array.

Member Function Documentation

MStatus MPxImageFile::open ( MString  pathname,
MImageFileInfo info  
) [virtual]

Attempt to open the specified file as an image and extract the image characteristics. It is important that this function only return success if the image is definitely supported by this implementation.

[in]  pathname  the image file to open
[in]  info  an optional pointer to the image info structure to fill in. If this pointer is non-NULL, the implementation of this method should parse the image header to populate the information structure.

MStatus MPxImageFile::load ( MImage image,
unsigned int  imageNumber  
) [virtual]

Load the previously opened image file into an MImage.

[in]  image  the image to load the currently open file into
[in]  imageNumber  the index of image to load (for files containing multiple images)

MStatus MPxImageFile::glLoad ( const MImageFileInfo info,
unsigned int  imageNumber  
) [virtual]

Load the previously opened image file as an OpenGL texture. The OpenGL texture will already have been bound by the caller of this method (i.e. do not call glBind again inside your implementation of this method - just use glTexImage2D or equivalent to load the texture). The type of texture that has been bound is specified in the information structure provided. It is important that your implementation verifies this type before loading any data, as loading an incompatible type may lead to instability. By overriding this method, you can implement non-2D texture support (such as cube maps), non-byte texture support (such as float and half), and compressed hardware texture support (such as DXT). You are free to use any available OpenGL extensions you want to load in the texture. While standard Maya shaders will only be able to use standard 2D textures, plugin hardware shaders can access non-2D textures loaded via this method. If your plugin set mipmaps to true at file open time, it is responsible for loading or generating the mipmap information inside this method.

[in]  info  a description of hardware texture to load.
[in]  imageNumber  the index of image to load (for files containing multiple images)

MStatus MPxImageFile::close (  )  [virtual]

Close the image file.


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