MFnIkJoint Class Reference
[OpenMayaAnim - API module for animationFunctionSet classes]

#include <MFnIkJoint.h>
Inheritance diagram for MFnIkJoint:
Collaboration diagram for MFnIkJoint:

List of all members.

Detailed Description

Function set for joints.

This is the function set for joints.

The transformation matrix for a joint node is below.

(where '*' denotes matrix multiplication).

These matrices are defined as follows:

The methods to get the value of these matrices are:

Public Member Functions

virtual MFn::Type  type () const
  Function set type.
virtual  ~MFnIkJoint ()
  MFnIkJoint ()
  Default constructor.
  MFnIkJoint (MObject &object, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
  MFnIkJoint (const MDagPath &object, MStatus *ret=NULL)
MObject  create (MObject parent=MObject::kNullObj, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
MStatus  getOrientation (MQuaternion &quaternion) const
MStatus  setOrientation (const MQuaternion &quaternion)
MStatus  getOrientation (MEulerRotation &rotation) const
MStatus  setOrientation (const MEulerRotation &rotation)
MStatus  getOrientation (double rotation[3], MTransformationMatrix::RotationOrder &order) const
MStatus  setOrientation (const double rotation[3], MTransformationMatrix::RotationOrder order)
MStatus  getScaleOrientation (MQuaternion &quaternion) const
MStatus  setScaleOrientation (const MQuaternion &quaternion)
MStatus  getScaleOrientation (double rotation[3], MTransformationMatrix::RotationOrder &order) const
MStatus  setScaleOrientation (const double rotation[3], MTransformationMatrix::RotationOrder order)
MStatus  getSegmentScale (double scale[3]) const
MStatus  setSegmentScale (const double scale[3])
MStatus  getStiffness (double stiffness[3]) const
MStatus  setStiffness (const double stiffness[3])
MStatus  getPreferedAngle (double rotation[3]) const
MStatus  setPreferedAngle (const double rotation[3])
MStatus  getDegreesOfFreedom (bool &freeInX, bool &freeInY, bool &freeInZ) const
MStatus  setDegreesOfFreedom (bool freeInX, bool freeInY, bool freeInZ)
double  minRotateDampXRange (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
double  minRotateDampYRange (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
double  minRotateDampZRange (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
double  maxRotateDampXRange (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
double  maxRotateDampYRange (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
double  maxRotateDampZRange (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
MStatus  setMinRotateDampXRange (double angle)
MStatus  setMinRotateDampYRange (double angle)
MStatus  setMinRotateDampZRange (double angle)
MStatus  setMaxRotateDampXRange (double angle)
MStatus  setMaxRotateDampYRange (double angle)
MStatus  setMaxRotateDampZRange (double angle)
double  minRotateDampXStrength (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
double  minRotateDampYStrength (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
double  minRotateDampZStrength (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
double  maxRotateDampXStrength (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
double  maxRotateDampYStrength (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
double  maxRotateDampZStrength (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
MStatus  setMinRotateDampXStrength (double angle)
MStatus  setMinRotateDampYStrength (double angle)
MStatus  setMinRotateDampZStrength (double angle)
MStatus  setMaxRotateDampXStrength (double angle)
MStatus  setMaxRotateDampYStrength (double angle)
MStatus  setMaxRotateDampZStrength (double angle)
MString  hikJointName (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
  MFnIkJoint (const MObject &object, MStatus *ret=NULL)
MStatus  getHikJointName (MString &name) const

Protected Member Functions

virtual const char *  className () const
  Class name.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

MFnIkJoint::~MFnIkJoint (  )  [virtual]


Class destructor.

MFnIkJoint::MFnIkJoint ( MObject object,
MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL  


Class constructor that initializes the function set to the given MObject.

[in]  object  The MObject to attach the function set to
[out]  ReturnStatus  the return status
Status Codes:

MFnIkJoint::MFnIkJoint ( const MDagPath object,
MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL  


Class constructor that initializes the function set to the given constant MDagPath object.

[in]  object  The const MDagPath to attach the function set to
[out]  ReturnStatus  The return status
Status Codes:

MFnIkJoint::MFnIkJoint ( const MObject object,
MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL  


Class constructor that initializes the function set to the given MObject.

[in]  object  The MObject to attach the function set to
[out]  ReturnStatus  the return status
Status Codes:

Member Function Documentation

MFn::Type MFnIkJoint::type (  )  const [virtual]

Function set type.

Return the class type : MFn::kJoint

Reimplemented from MFnTransform.

const char * MFnIkJoint::className (  )  const [protected, virtual]

Class name.

Return the class name : "MFnIkJoint"

Reimplemented from MFnTransform.

MObject MFnIkJoint::create ( MObject  parent = MObject::kNullObj,
MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL  

Create a new joint in a skeleton. In maya, skeletons are defined entirely by DAG hierarchy. So, giving the joint you want to attach to as a parent will add this joint to that skeleton.

[in]  parent  the parent object for this in the dag. A value of NULL specifies the world dag node as parent.
[out]  ReturnStatus  Status Code (see below)
The parent transform of the new joint
Status Codes:

Reimplemented from MFnTransform.

MStatus MFnIkJoint::getOrientation ( MQuaternion quaternion  )  const

Get the joint orientation. This corresponds to the jointOrient attribute on the joint, which is stored internally as a quaternion. It is different from the rotation orientation defined in the transform node. Modifying the jointOrient changes the coordinate axes, which affects how scaling a joint behaves.

The matrix equations used to combine the jointOrient with the other transformation attributes of the joint are described in the description for the MFnIkJoint class.

[out]  quaternion  the quaternion representing the jointOrient
Status code (see below)
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess The orientation was successfully returned
  • MS::kFailure This function set has not been attached to a valid object

MStatus MFnIkJoint::setOrientation ( const MQuaternion quaternion  ) 

Set the jointOrient value. This corresponds to the jointOrient attribute on the joint, which is stored internally as a quaternion. It is different from the rotation orientation defined in the transform node. Modifying the jointOrient changes the coordinate axes, which affects how scaling a joint behaves.

The matrix equations used to combine the jointOrient with the other transformation attributes of the joint are described in the description for the MFnIkJoint class.

[in]  quaternion  the joint orientation
Status code (see below)
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess The jointOrient was successfully set
  • MS::kFailure This function set has not been attached to a valid object

MStatus MFnIkJoint::getOrientation ( MEulerRotation rotation  )  const

Get the orientation of the coordinate axes.

[out]  rotation  the euler rotation into which we will store the orientation
Status code (see below)
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess The orientation was successfully returned
  • MS::kFailure This function set has not been attached to a valid object

MStatus MFnIkJoint::setOrientation ( const MEulerRotation rotation  ) 

Set the orientation of the coordinate axes.

[in]  rotation  the orientation
Status code (see below)
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess The orientation was successfully set
  • MS::kFailure This function set has not been attached to a valid object

MStatus MFnIkJoint::getOrientation ( double  rotation[3],
MTransformationMatrix::RotationOrder order  
) const

Get the orientation of the coordinate axes.

[out]  rotation  the array into which we will store the angles
[out]  order  storage for the order to do the rotation in
Status code (see below)
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess The orientation was successfully returned
  • MS::kFailure This function set has not been attached to a valid object

MStatus MFnIkJoint::setOrientation ( const double  rotation[3],
MTransformationMatrix::RotationOrder  order  

Set the orientation of the coordinate axes.

[in]  rotation  the orientation
[in]  order  the order to do the rotation in
Status code (see below)
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess The orientation was successfully set
  • MS::kFailure This function set has not been attached to a valid object

MStatus MFnIkJoint::getScaleOrientation ( MQuaternion quaternion  )  const

Get the orientation of the coordinate axes for rotation. This is equivalent to calling the MFnTransform::rotateOrientation method, and corresponds to the rotateAxis attribute on the joint node.

[out]  quaternion  the quaternion into which we will store the rotate orientation
Status code (see below)
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess The rotate orientation was successfully returned
  • MS::kFailure This function set has not been attached to a valid object

MStatus MFnIkJoint::setScaleOrientation ( const MQuaternion quaternion  ) 

Set the orientation of the coordinate axes for rotation. This is equivalent to calling the MFnTransform::setRotateOrientation method, and corresponds to the rotateAxis attribute on the joint node. The matrix equations used to combine the rotateAxis with the other transformation attributes of the joint are described in the description for the MFnIkJoint class.

[out]  quaternion  the rotate orientation
Status code (see below)
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess The scale orientation was successfully set
  • MS::kFailure This function set has not been attached to a valid object

MStatus MFnIkJoint::getScaleOrientation ( double  rotation[3],
MTransformationMatrix::RotationOrder order  
) const

Get the orientation of the coordinate axes for rotation. This is equivalent to calling the MFnTransform::rotateOrientation method but returns the Euler rotation rather than the quaternion rotation. The matrix equations used to combine the rotateAxis with the other transformation attributes of the joint are described in the description for the MFnIkJoint class.

[out]  rotation  the array into which we will store the angles
[out]  order  storage for the order to do the rotation in
Status code (see below)
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess The rotate orientation was successfully returned
  • MS::kFailure This function set has not been attached to a valid object

MStatus MFnIkJoint::setScaleOrientation ( const double  rotation[3],
MTransformationMatrix::RotationOrder  order  

Set the orientation of the coordinate axes for rotation. This is equivalent to calling the MFnTransform::setRotateOrientation method, and corresponds to the rotateAxis attribute on the joint node. The matrix equations used to combine the rotateAxis with the other transformation attributes of the joint are described in the description for the MFnIkJoint class.

[in]  rotation  the rotate orientation
[in]  order  the order to do the rotation in
Status code (see below)
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess The rotate orientation was successfully set
  • MS::kFailure This function set has not been attached to a valid object

MStatus MFnIkJoint::getSegmentScale ( double  scale[3]  )  const

Get the local space scale values for the joint segment (bone). This is equivalent to calling MFnTransform::getScale.

[out]  scale  Storage for the scale values
Status code (see below)
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess The scale values were successfully returned
  • MS::kFailure This function set has not been attached to a valid object

MStatus MFnIkJoint::setSegmentScale ( const double  scale[3]  ) 

Set the local space scale values for the joint segment (bone). This is equivalent to calling Ttransform::setScale.

[in]  scale  the new scale values to set
Status code (see below)
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess The scale values were successfully set
  • MS::kFailure This function set has not been attached to a valid object

MStatus MFnIkJoint::getStiffness ( double  stiffness[3]  )  const

Get the stiffness (from 0 to 100.0) for the joint. The stiffness attribute is used by ik solvers to generate a resistance to a joint motion. The higher the stiffness the less it will rotate. Stiffness works in relative sense: it determines the willingness of this joint to rotate with respect to the other joint in the ik chain.

[out]  stiffness  storage for the stiffness values
Status code (see below)
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess The stiffness was successfully returned
  • MS::kFailure This function set has not been attached to a valid object

MStatus MFnIkJoint::setStiffness ( const double  stiffness[3]  ) 

Set the stiffness (from 0 to 100.0) for the joint. The stiffness attribute is used by ik solvers to generate a resistance to a joint motion. The higher the stiffness the less it will rotate. Stiffness works in relative sense: it determines the willingness of this joint to rotate with respect to the other joint in the ik chain.

[in]  stiffness  the X, Y, and Z stiffness values
Status code (see below)
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess The stiffness was successfully set
  • MS::kFailure This function set has not been attached to a valid object

MStatus MFnIkJoint::getPreferedAngle ( double  rotation[3]  )  const

Get the preferred orientation for this joint (in XYZ order)

[out]  rotation  the array into which we will store the angles
Status code (see below)
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess The preferred angles were returned successfully
  • MS::kFailure This function set has not been attached to a valid object

MStatus MFnIkJoint::setPreferedAngle ( const double  rotation[3]  ) 

Set the preferred orientation for this joint (in XYZ order)

[in]  rotation  the array into which we will store the angles
Status code (see below)
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess The preferred angles were successfully set
  • MS::kFailure This function set has not been attached to a valid object

MStatus MFnIkJoint::getDegreesOfFreedom ( bool &  freeInX,
bool &  freeInY,
bool &  freeInZ  
) const

Get degrees of freedom of this joint

[out]  freeInX  the first degree of freedom
[out]  freeInY  the second degree of freedom
[out]  freeInZ  the third degree of freedom
Status code (see below)
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess The degrees of freedom values were successfully returned
  • MS::kFailure This function set has not been attached to a valid object

MStatus MFnIkJoint::setDegreesOfFreedom ( bool  freeInX,
bool  freeInY,
bool  freeInZ  

Set the degrees of freedom of this joint by specifying which axes are allowed to rotate.

[in]  freeInX  the first degree of freedom
[in]  freeInY  the second degree of freedom
[in]  freeInZ  the third degree of freedom
Status code (see below)
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess The degrees of freedom were successfully set
  • MS::kFailure This function set has not been attached to a valid object

double MFnIkJoint::minRotateDampXRange ( MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL  )  const

Get the minimum of the damping range in X. This corresponds to the minRotateDampXRange attribute on the joint.

The minRotateDampRange and minRotateDampStrength are attributes used by ik to apply resistance to a joint rotation as it approaches the lower boundary of its rotation limits. This functionality allows joint motion to slow down smoothly until the joint reaches its rotation limits instead of stopping abruptly. The minRotateDampRange specifies when the deceleration should start, and the minRotateDampStrength defines the rate of deceleration.

[out]  ReturnStatus  Status Code (see below)
The minimum damping range in X
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess The damping range was successfully returned
  • MS::kFailure This function set has not been attached to a valid object

double MFnIkJoint::minRotateDampYRange ( MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL  )  const

Get the minimum of the damping range in Y. This corresponds to the minRotateDampYRange attribute on the joint.

The minRotateDampRange and minRotateDampStrength are attributes used by ik to apply resistance to a joint rotation as it approaches the lower boundary of its rotation limits. This functionality allows joint motion to slow down smoothly until the joint reaches its rotation limits instead of stopping abruptly. The minRotateDampRange specifies when the deceleration should start, and the minRotateDampStrength defines the rate of deceleration.

[out]  ReturnStatus  Status Code (see below)
The minimum damping range in Y
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess The damping range was successfully returned
  • MS::kFailure This function set has not been attached to a valid object

double MFnIkJoint::minRotateDampZRange ( MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL  )  const

Get the minimum of the damping range in Z. This corresponds to the minRotateDampZRange attribute on the joint.

The minRotateDampRange and minRotateDampStrength are attributes used by ik to apply resistance to a joint rotation as it approaches the lower boundary of its rotation limits. This functionality allows joint motion to slow down smoothly until the joint reaches its rotation limits instead of stopping abruptly. The minRotateDampRange specifies when the deceleration should start, and the minRotateDampStrength defines the rate of deceleration.

[out]  ReturnStatus  Status Code (see below)
The minimum damping range in Z
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess The damping range was successfully returned
  • MS::kFailure This function set has not been attached to a valid object

double MFnIkJoint::maxRotateDampXRange ( MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL  )  const

Get the maximum of the damping range in X. This corresponds to the maxRotateDampXRange attribute on the joint.

The minRotateDampRange and minRotateDampStrength are attributes used by ik to apply resistance to a joint rotation as it approaches the upper boundary of its rotation limits. This functionality allows joint motion to slow down smoothly until the joint reaches its rotation limits instead of stopping abruptly. The maxRotateDampRange specifies when the deceleration should start, and the maxRotateDampStrength defines the rate of deceleration.

[out]  ReturnStatus  Status Code (see below)
The maximum of the damping range in X
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess The damping range was successfully returned
  • MS::kFailure This function set has not been attached to a valid object

double MFnIkJoint::maxRotateDampYRange ( MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL  )  const

Get the maximum of the damping range in Y. This corresponds to the maxRotateDampYRange attribute on the joint.

The minRotateDampRange and minRotateDampStrength are attributes used by ik to apply resistance to a joint rotation as it approaches the upper boundary of its rotation limits. This functionality allows joint motion to slow down smoothly until the joint reaches its rotation limits instead of stopping abruptly. The maxRotateDampRange specifies when the deceleration should start, and the maxRotateDampStrength defines the rate of deceleration.

[out]  ReturnStatus  Status Code (see below)
The maximum of the damping range in Y
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess The damping range was successfully returned
  • MS::kFailure This function set has not been attached to a valid object

double MFnIkJoint::maxRotateDampZRange ( MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL  )  const

Get the maximum of the damping range in Z. This corresponds to the maxRotateDampZRange attribute on the joint.

The minRotateDampRange and minRotateDampStrength are attributes used by ik to apply resistance to a joint rotation as it approaches the upper boundary of its rotation limits. This functionality allows joint motion to slow down smoothly until the joint reaches its rotation limits instead of stopping abruptly. The maxRotateDampRange specifies when the deceleration should start, and the maxRotateDampStrength defines the rate of deceleration.

[out]  ReturnStatus  Status Code (see below)
The maximum of the damping range in Z
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess The damping range was successfully returned
  • MS::kFailure This function set has not been attached to a valid object

MStatus MFnIkJoint::setMinRotateDampXRange ( double  angle  ) 

Set the minimum of the damping range in X

[in]  angle  The damping range to set
Status code (see below)
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess The damping range was successfully set
  • MS::kFailure This function set has not been attached to a valid object

MStatus MFnIkJoint::setMinRotateDampYRange ( double  angle  ) 

Set the minimum of the damping range in Y

[in]  angle  the damping range to set
Status code (see below)
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess The damping range was successfully set
  • MS::kFailure This function set has not been attached to a valid object

MStatus MFnIkJoint::setMinRotateDampZRange ( double  angle  ) 

Set the minimum of the damping range in Z

[in]  angle  the damping range to set
Status code (see below)
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess The damping range was successfully set
  • MS::kFailure This function set has not been attached to a valid object

MStatus MFnIkJoint::setMaxRotateDampXRange ( double  angle  ) 

Set the maximum of the damping range in X

[in]  angle  the damping range to set
Status code (see below)
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess The damping range was successfully set
  • MS::kFailure This function set has not been attached to a valid object

MStatus MFnIkJoint::setMaxRotateDampYRange ( double  angle  ) 

Set the maximum of the damping range in Y

[in]  angle  the damping range to set
Status code (see below)
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess The damping range was successfully set
  • MS::kFailure This function set has not been attached to a valid object

MStatus MFnIkJoint::setMaxRotateDampZRange ( double  angle  ) 

Set the maximum of the damping range in Z

[in]  angle  the damping range to set
Status code (see below)
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess The damping range was successfully set
  • MS::kFailure This function set has not been attached to a valid object

double MFnIkJoint::minRotateDampXStrength ( MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL  )  const

Get the minimum of the damping strength in X.

[out]  ReturnStatus  Status Code (see below)
Status code (see below)
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess The damping strength value was successfully returned
  • MS::kFailure This function set has not been attached to a valid object

double MFnIkJoint::minRotateDampYStrength ( MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL  )  const

Get the minimum of the damping strength in X.

[out]  ReturnStatus  Status Code (see below)
Status code (see below)
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess The damping strength value was successfully returned
  • MS::kFailure This function set has not been attached to a valid object

double MFnIkJoint::minRotateDampZStrength ( MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL  )  const

Get the minimum of the damping strength in X.

[out]  ReturnStatus  Status Code (see below)
Status code (see below)
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess The damping strength value was successfully returned
  • MS::kFailure This function set has not been attached to a valid object

double MFnIkJoint::maxRotateDampXStrength ( MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL  )  const

Get the minimum of the damping strength in X.

[out]  ReturnStatus  Status Code (see below)
Status code (see below)
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess The damping strength value was successfully returned
  • MS::kFailure This function set has not been attached to a valid object

double MFnIkJoint::maxRotateDampYStrength ( MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL  )  const

Get the minimum of the damping strength in X.

[out]  ReturnStatus  Status Code (see below)
Status code (see below)
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess The damping strength value was successfully returned
  • MS::kFailure This function set has not been attached to a valid object

double MFnIkJoint::maxRotateDampZStrength ( MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL  )  const

Get the minimum of the damping strength in X.

[out]  ReturnStatus  Status Code (see below)
Status code (see below)
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess The damping strength value was successfully returned
  • MS::kFailure This function set has not been attached to a valid object

MStatus MFnIkJoint::setMinRotateDampXStrength ( double  angle  ) 

Set the maximum of the damping strength in Z.

[in]  angle  The new damping strength value
Status code (see below)
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess The damping strength value was successfully set
  • MS::kFailure This function set has not been attached to a valid object

MStatus MFnIkJoint::setMinRotateDampYStrength ( double  angle  ) 

Set the maximum of the damping strength in Y.

[in]  angle  The new damping strength value
Status code (see below)
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess The damping strength value was successfully set
  • MS::kFailure This function set has not been attached to a valid object

MStatus MFnIkJoint::setMinRotateDampZStrength ( double  angle  ) 

Set the minimum of the damping strength in Z.

[in]  angle  The new damping strength value
Status code (see below)
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess The damping strength value was successfully set
  • MS::kFailure This function set has not been attached to a valid object

MStatus MFnIkJoint::setMaxRotateDampXStrength ( double  angle  ) 

Set the maximum of the damping strength in X.

[in]  angle  The new damping strength value
Status code (see below)
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess The damping strength value was successfully set
  • MS::kFailure This function set has not been attached to a valid object

MStatus MFnIkJoint::setMaxRotateDampYStrength ( double  angle  ) 

Set the maximum of the damping strength in Y.

[in]  angle  The new damping strength value
Status code (see below)
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess The damping strength value was successfully set
  • MS::kFailure This function set has not been attached to a valid object

MStatus MFnIkJoint::setMaxRotateDampZStrength ( double  angle  ) 

Set the maximum of the damping strength in Z.

[in]  angle  The new damping strength value
Status code (see below)
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess The damping strength value was successfully set
  • MS::kFailure This function set has not been attached to a valid object

MString MFnIkJoint::hikJointName ( MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL  )  const

Get the name that the HumanIK solver uses to identify this joint.

[out]  ReturnStatus  Status code (see below)
The name used to identify this joint for HumanIK
Status Codes:

MStatus MFnIkJoint::getHikJointName ( MString name  )  const


Get the name that the HumanIK solver uses to identify this joint.

Python Notes

This method is not supported in Python. See the version which returns a string.

[out]  name  The name used to identify this joint for HumanIK
Status code (see below)
Status Codes:

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