MCommonRenderSettingsData Class Reference
[OpenMayaRender - API module for rendering]

#include <MCommonRenderSettingsData.h>
Collaboration diagram for MCommonRenderSettingsData:

List of all members.

Detailed Description

Data container for common rendering settings.

This class is a container that encapsulates the data for common rendering globals. The data is intended to be accessed using the following method:

MCommonRenderSettingsData data;

Public Types

enum   MpathType { kRelativePath, kFullPathImage, kFullPathTmp }
  Defines the types file paths. More...

Public Member Functions

  MCommonRenderSettingsData ()
  Default contructor.
  ~MCommonRenderSettingsData ()
bool  isAnimated () const
  Determines if there is animation.
bool  isMovieFormat () const
  Determines if the output format is a single movie file.
void  setPassName (const MString &pass)
  Used with getImageName. Sets the pass name for later use.
void  setFieldName (const MString &field)
  Used with getImageName. Sets the field name for later use.
const MString  getImageName ( MpathType pathType, double frameNumber, const MString &sceneName, const MString &cameraName, const MString &fileFormat, const MObject layer, const bool createDirectory=true, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
  Obtains the image name with the proper subdirectory structure.
const MString  getImageName ( MpathType pathType, double frameNumber, const MString &sceneName, const MString &cameraName, const MString &fileFormat, const MObject layer, const MString &customTokenString, const bool createDirectory=true, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
  Obtains the image name with the proper subdirectory structure (supports custom tokens).
const MString  getBufferName (const MObject &renderPass, const MObject &layer, const MString &cameraName, const MString &customTokenString="", const bool leaveUnmatchedTokens=false, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const

Public Attributes

MString  name
  Base name for the rendered image.
unsigned int  namingScheme
  File naming scheme.
unsigned int  framePadding
  Number of padding zeros for the frame number.
MString  namePattern
  Single string that defines the whole naming convention.
unsigned int  imageFormat
  Predefined supported image format.
MString  customImageFormat
  Custom image format name.
MTime  frameStart
  First frame number.
MTime  frameEnd
  Last frame number.
float  frameBy
  Frame number step.
bool  renderAll
  When false, only the selected objects should be rendered.
bool  useCustomExt
  When true, overrides the default image format extension.
MString  customExt
  Custom format extension, when useCustomExt is true.
bool  renumberFrames
  When true, images need to be renumbered. This only affects the image names.
float  renumberStart
  First image number, when renumbering.
float  renumberBy
  Image number step, when renumbering.
unsigned int  width
  Image width in pixels.
unsigned int  height
  Image height in pixels.
float  deviceAspectRatio
  Image aspect ratio. This is equal to pixelAspect * width / height.
float  pixelAspectRatio
  Pixel aspect ratio.
float  dotPerInch
  Dot per Inch.
bool  enableDefaultLight
  When on, a default light should be created when no light is available in the scene.
MString  preMel
  The mel string to be executed before a scene is rendered.
MString  postMel
  The mel string to be executed after a scene is rendered.
MString  preRenderLayerMel
  The mel string to be executed before a render layer is rendered.
MString  postRenderLayerMel
  The mel string to be executed after a render layer is rendered.
MString  preRenderMel
  The mel string to be executed before a frame is rendered.
MString  postRenderMel
  The mel string to be executed after a frame is rendered.


class  MRenderUtil

Member Enumeration Documentation

Defines the types file paths.

kRelativePath  Relative to the project.
kFullPathImage  Full path.
kFullPathTmp  Full path in the temporary directory.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

MCommonRenderSettingsData::MCommonRenderSettingsData (  ) 

Default contructor.

Initializes an empty object

MCommonRenderSettingsData::~MCommonRenderSettingsData (  ) 


Deallocates the memory

Member Function Documentation

bool MCommonRenderSettingsData::isAnimated (  )  const

Determines if there is animation.

true if the naming scheme corresponds to an animation

bool MCommonRenderSettingsData::isMovieFormat (  )  const

Determines if the output format is a single movie file.

true if images will be stored in a single movie file.

void MCommonRenderSettingsData::setPassName ( const MString pass  ) 

Used with getImageName. Sets the pass name for later use.

Adds a pass subdirectory to the path for the image.

[in]  pass  The name of the field.

void MCommonRenderSettingsData::setFieldName ( const MString field  ) 

Used with getImageName. Sets the field name for later use.

Adds a field subdirectory to the path for the image.

[in]  field  The name of the field.

const MString MCommonRenderSettingsData::getImageName ( MpathType  pathType,
double  frameNumber,
const MString sceneName,
const MString cameraName,
const MString fileFormat,
const MObject  layer,
const bool  createDirectory = true,
MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL  
) const

Obtains the image name with the proper subdirectory structure.

Compute the path for the image. The path type returned depends on which option has been specified by pathType:

  • kRelativePath returns the image name with its relative path (only the extra subdirs created within the base image dir)
  • kFullPathImage returns the image full path with its path to the image dir
  • kFullPathTmp returns the image full path with its path to the temp image dir
[in]  pathType  decides file path format of the returned string. See above.
[in]  frameNumber  the frame number to be used.
[in]  sceneName  the scene name.
[in]  cameraName  the name of the camera rendering this image.
[in]  fileFormat  if not an empty string, use this file format instead of the one selected in the render settings to decide the final file name.
[in]  layer  render layer object from which this image is rendered.
[in]  createDirectory  if true, the image path directory will be created.
[out]  ReturnStatus  Status code
The image path as a string.

const MString MCommonRenderSettingsData::getImageName ( MpathType  pathType,
double  frameNumber,
const MString sceneName,
const MString cameraName,
const MString fileFormat,
const MObject  layer,
const MString customTokenString,
const bool  createDirectory = true,
MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL  
) const

Obtains the image name with the proper subdirectory structure (supports custom tokens).

Compute the path for the image. The path type returned depends on which option has been specified by pathType:

  • kRelativePath returns the image name with its relative path (only the extra subdirs created within the base image dir)
  • kFullPathImage returns the image full path with its path to the image dir
  • kFullPathTmp returns the image full path with its path to the temp image dir
[in]  pathType  decides file path format of the returned string. See above.
[in]  frameNumber  the frame number to be used.
[in]  sceneName  the scene name.
[in]  cameraName  the name of the camera rendering this image.
[in]  fileFormat  if not an empty string, use this file format instead of the one selected in the render settings to decide the final file name.
[in]  layer  render layer object from which this image is rendered.
[in]  customTokenString  space separated list of key-value pairs to replace in the image name (ex. "myToken1=myValue1 myToken2=myValue2")
[in]  createDirectory  if true, the image path directory will be created.
[out]  ReturnStatus  Status code
The image path as a string.

const MString MCommonRenderSettingsData::getBufferName ( const MObject renderPass,
const MObject layer,
const MString cameraName,
const MString customTokenString = "",
const bool  leaveUnmatchedTokens = false,
MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL  
) const

Get image buffer name

Get image buffer name. This name will be used when multiple buffers are rendered into the same image. This is only valid for image formats which support multiple buffers, such as OpenEXR.

[in]  renderPass  Render pass object of the this rendering image.
[in]  layer  render layer object pointer from which this image is rendered.
[in]  cameraName  The name of the camera rendering this image.
[in]  customTokenString  Space separated list of key-value pairs to replace in the buffer name (ex. "myToken1=myValue1 myToken2=myValue2").
[in]  leaveUnmatchedTokens  whether to leave the unmatched tokens.
[out]  ReturnStatus  Status code.
The name of buffer as a string.

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