MCameraSetMessage Class Reference
[OpenMaya - API module for common classes]

#include <MCameraSetMessage.h>
Inheritance diagram for MCameraSetMessage:
Collaboration diagram for MCameraSetMessage:

List of all members.

Detailed Description

CameraSet messages.

This class is used to register callbacks with cameraSet specific event types.

Using the addCallback() methods, a function can be registered that will be executed whenever the specific message/event occurs.

To remove a callback, use MMessage::removeCallback(). All callbacks that are registered by a plug-in must be removed by that plug-in when it is unloaded. Failure to do so will result in a fatal error.

Static Public Member Functions

static MCallbackId  addCameraLayerCallback (MMessage::MCameraLayerFunction func, void *clientData=NULL, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
static MCallbackId  addCameraChangedCallback (MMessage::MCameraLayerCameraFunction func, void *clientData=NULL, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)

Member Function Documentation

MCallbackId MCameraSetMessage::addCameraLayerCallback ( MMessage::MCameraLayerFunction  func,
void *  clientData = NULL,
MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL  
) [static]

Registers callbacks for adding and removing camera layeres.

[in]  func  the callback function
  • node The cameraSet that has added or removed a layer
  • multiIndex The index in the cameraLayerInfo attribute to which the layer was added or removed
  • added Whether the layer was added or removed
  • clientData User defined data passed to the callback function
[in]  clientData  user data that will be passed to the callback function
[out]  ReturnStatus  Status code
Identifier used for removing the callback.
Status Codes:

MCallbackId MCameraSetMessage::addCameraChangedCallback ( MMessage::MCameraLayerCameraFunction  func,
void *  clientData = NULL,
MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL  
) [static]

Registers callbacks for camera assignment changes to a camera layer.

[in]  func  the callback function
  • node The cameraSet that has had a camera reassigned
  • multiIndex The index in the cameraLayerInfo attribute to which the camera has been reassigned
  • oldCamera The previously assigned camera
  • newCamera The newly assigned camera
  • clientData User defined data layered to the callback function
[in]  clientData  user data that will be passed to the callback function
[out]  ReturnStatus  Status code
Identifier used for removing the callback.
Status Codes:

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