Skin > Bind Skin > Rigid Bind

Skin > Bind Skin > Rigid Bind >

Bind to

Specifies whether to bind to an entire skeleton or only to selected joints. Selections include Complete Skeleton or Selected Joints.

Complete Skeleton

Specifies that the selected deformable objects will be bound to the entire skeleton, from the root joint on down through the skeleton’s hierarchy, even if you have selected some joint other than the root joint. Binding by complete skeleton is the usual way to bind a character’s skin.

Selected Joints

Specifies that the selected deformable objects will be bound to only the selected joints, not the entire skeleton.

Force All

Specifies that the selected deformable object will be bound to all selected joints, including those with no influence.


Specifies whether to color the joints according to the colors automatically assigned to skin point sets. Coloring joints can be helpful later when you are editing skin point set memberships. Click Color Joints on or off. Default is off.

Bind Method

Specifies whether you want to bind by closest point or by partition set.

Closest Point

Specifies that Maya automatically organize deformable object points into skin point sets for you based on the proximity of each point to a joint. For each joint with a bone, a skin point set will be created that includes the points that are closest to the given point. The points are then identified as skin points, with each skin point being a member of only one skin point set. Maya places the skin point sets in a partition, which assures that each point can only be in one set. Finally, each set will be bound to the nearest joint.

Partition Set

Specifies that Maya bind points that you’ve already organized into sets in a partition. You should have as many sets as you have joints. Each set will be bound to the nearest joint.


If you select Partition Set, select the name of the partition you wish to bind. Select only partitions containing sets of deformable points.

Click Closest Point or Partition Set. Default is Closest Point.

If you select Partition Set, a list of the currently available partitions is listed. Select the partition you want the rigid skin point sets to be in.