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Home: Autodesk Maya Online Help

Color Utilities

Surf. Luminance
Rgb to Hsv
Converts an RGB (Red-Green-Blue)
color into an HSV (Hue-Saturation-Value) color.
Some effects are easier
to calculate using HSV values instead of RGB values. You can convert
the output of any shading network into HSV values.
Find this utility in
the Create Bar (see
Hide, resize or customize the Create bar).
To use this utility,
Use the Rgb to Hsv utility.
- In Rgb
The color converted into HSV values.
- Out Hsv
Render Pass Mode
Use this attribute in
conjunction with your multi-render passes workflow.
- Passthrough
Shader does not affect
render passes.
- Apply to Render Passes
Perform the same operation
on material render passes as is performed on the master beauty pass.
- No Contribution
Shader does not contribute
to render passes and blanks out contributions made by upstream shaders.
- Write Shader Result
to Beauty Passes
The color computed for
the master beauty pass is propagated to all other beauty passes.