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Home: Autodesk Maya Online Help
Hsv to Rgb

Color Utilities

Remap Value
Converts color to grayscale. The luminance derives
from a color value. Maya uses the following formula to calculate
the luminance by adding the following amounts of red, green, and
Luminance = 0.3 red + 0.59 green + 0.11 blue
Find this utility in
the Create Bar (see
Hide, resize or customize the Create bar).
To use this utility,
Use the Luminance utility.
- Value
input color or texture.
Render Pass Mode
Use this attribute in
conjunction with your multi-render passes workflow.
- Passthrough
Shader does not affect
render passes.
- Apply to Render Passes
Perform the same operation
on material render passes as is performed on the master beauty pass.
- No Contribution
Shader does not contribute
to render passes and blanks out contributions made by upstream shaders.
- Write Shader Result
to Beauty Passes
The color computed for
the master beauty pass is propagated to all other beauty passes.