Exports a composite of all layers in your scene from Maya to Autodesk Toxik. Beginning Toxik 2008, you will no longer export an IMSQ file. Instead, you will export to a Toxik project file.
In order to see this menu item, you must run the script: performToxik2008Export.mel
Render > Export to
Toxik 2008 >
You can leave all fields blank with the exception of Toxik Install Directory. By default, Maya will give the Toxik project file the same name as your scene file and save it to the same folder as your scene file.
Specify the parent directory of the location of the Toxik 2008 executable file (toxik.exe). You must specify this directory in order for the export feature to work.For example, on a typical Windows installation, toxik.exe is saved to:
C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Autodesk Toxik 2008\program
You should therefore specify the Toxik Install Directory as: