Exports a composite of all layers in your scene from Maya to Autodesk Toxik.
In order to use this functionality, you must load the compositingInterop.mll plug-in from the Plug-in manager.
Render > Export All
Layers to Toxik 2007>
The User Name, Server Name, Port Number and Database Name fields directly correspond to settings within Toxik. Enter the same information for these fields as you do in Toxik. For more information, see your Toxik user documentation.
Output Mode
Specifies one of two output modes you can use depending on your Toxik setup. The default output mode is Update Toxik.
Use this setting if you are running Toxik and Maya on the same machine. The Update Toxik mode automatically updates the Toxik database and makes the Toxik composition available immediately. To work in Update Toxik mode, Python 2.4 is required. For more information on Python, see www.python.org.
Specify the location of the Python executable file (python.exe) in the Python Location field.