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Painting with MEL scripts and the Paint Scripts Tool

Painting with MEL scripts and the Paint Scripts Tool

Script paint
Overview of MEL script
A MEL script
is a file that contains MEL commands, MEL procedures, or both. Typically,
you use a MEL script to create custom effects. Using the Artisan Paint
Scripts Tool, you can paint these effects on your surfaces
the same way you paint weights. There are three sample scripts for
you to try:
- spherePaint – Use this script
to paint spheres on a selected NURBS surface. It is included as
an example just to help you write your own MEL scripts.
- geometryPaint – Use this script
to select predefined objects in your scene and then paint them on
a selected surface. For example, if the object is a cone, you can
paint cones on the surface using the geometryPaint script. The Paint
Scripts Tool settings determine the size, position, angle,
and density of the cones.
- emitterPaint – Use the emitterPaint
script to paint emitters on surfaces. Emitters generate particles.
The attributes of the emitter control the position, direction, quantity,
and initial velocity of the emitted particles when they are born.
After the particle is born, the attributes of the particle object that
the emitter is connected to control the particle’s appearance. For more
details about emitters, see the Dynamics guide.
These scripts are stored
on the following directories:
- (Windows) Drive:\Program
- (Linux) mayapath/scripts/others
- (Mac OS X) /Applications/Autodesk/maya2010/
You might find these
examples helpful when you are writing your own MEL scripts. These
scripts have not been thoroughly tested and therefore are not supported.
For details on creating your own scripts, see the MEL
and Expressions guide.