Set point on curve deformers

To create a point on curve locator

  1. Create a NURBS curve.
  2. To select a curve point on the curve, -click the curve and select Curve Point from the marking menu.
  3. Click on the curve at where you would like to create the point on curve locator constraint. The curve point is displayed as a small yellow box.
  4. Drag along the curve to adjust the point’s position on the curve.

    As you drag, you move the curve point. The curve point’s position is defined in terms of the curve’s U parameter.

  5. Select Create Deformers > Point On Curve> .

    The Point On Curve Options window appears. See Create Deformers > Point On Curve.

  6. Set the options . You can also do the following:
  7. Do one of the following: