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Home: Autodesk Maya Online Help
Erase paint from the canvas

Painting in 2D

Paint pixels
Smear and blur paint on the canvas
You can smear and blur paint
on the canvas using any brush by setting the brush type to Smear or Blur,
respectively. Like Erase type brushes, Smear and Blur type
brushes use the shape of the brush. For example, if the brush has leaves,
the paint smears or blurs where the leaves are painted.
To smear or blur paint
on the canvas
- Do
one of the following:
- If
you use a stylus and tablet, modify pressure mappings, if desired
(Brush > Tool Settings).
You can map up to three brush attributes to the stylus pressure.
For information on modifying stylus pressure mappings, see
Make the brush respond to stylus pressure.
- If
you want to ignore the pressure mappings, select Brush
> Use Stylus Pressure to turn it off. You may want
to ignore pressure mappings if you paint with a mouse rather than
a stylus.
- In
the Visor (Brush
> Get Brush), or on a shelf, click the brush preset
you want to smear or blur with. The selected brush settings are
copied to the template brush.
- Select Brush
> Edit Template Brush. The Paint Effects Brush
Settings window opens.
- Beside Brush
Type, select Smear or Blur.
- Set Fake
Shadows to None, if
this is not already the setting.
- Modify
other template brush settings, if necessary. For information on modifying
template brush settings, see
Define template brush settings.
- Drag
across the area you want to smear or blur.
TipCreate some smear and blur type brush presets
and save them on a shelf for easy access. For information on storing
brushes, see
Create new brush presets.