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Home: Autodesk Maya Online Help
Make boats float

Open water effects

Create Ponds
Create an Interactive boat
can create an interactive motor boat simulation by combining an
ocean, a motor boat, and some hotkeys to drive the boat.
- Select
Fluid Effects > Ocean > Create Ocean >
The Create
Ocean options window appears.
- Turn on Attach to Camera and Create
Preview Plane, and then click Create Ocean.
- Select the boat geometry.
- Select
Fluid Effects > Ocean > Make Motor Boats.
Maya attaches a locator
to the boat with built-in expressions to simulate buoyancy effects.
- Select the perspective camera (persp)
and select
Edit > Group.
This creates a group and puts the perspective camera in it.
- In the Connection Editor (Windows
> General Editors > Connection Editor), do the
- Connect the boat locator (created in
step #4) Translate x and Translate z attributes to the transform
(ocean height field) Translate x and Translate z attributes respectively.
- Connect the locator Translate x and Translate
z attributes to the camera group (created in step #5) Translate
x and Translate z attributes.
This connects the movement
of the boat along the ocean plane to the ocean and to the movement
of the camera.
- Select the boat locator and in the Attribute
Editor open the Extra Attributes section.
- Switch to shaded mode.
- Playback the scene and adjust the throttle
and rudder settings.
To speed up the simulation,
you can make the Wave Turbulence zero on the ocean
shader and instead increase Num Frequencies.
Increasing the Wave Height also makes the
simulation more dramatic.
Create hotkeys for the
following commands and use them to drive the boat.
Stop Boat Key
setAttr locator1.throttle 0 setAttr locator1.rudder 0
Increase Throttle
float $t = `getAttr locator1.throttle`; setAttr locator1.throttle ($t + 0.5);
Decrease Throttle
float $t = `getAttr locator1.throttle`; $t -= 0.5; if( $t < 0 ) $t = 0.0; setAttr locator1.throttle $t;
rudder Left
float $t = `getAttr locator1.rudder`; $t += 2.0; if( $t > 20 ) $t = 20; setAttr locator1.rudder $t;
rudder Right
float $t = `getAttr locator1.rudder`; $t -= 2.0; if( $t < -20 ) $t = -20; setAttr locator1.rudder $t;